
Where is he?

He opened his eyes to him sitting in a chair at a dinner table surrounded by mafia agents, "oh look, you're awake" a man sitting at the other side of the table said, sitting next to him, he recognized a woman by the name of "Bellezza Nonsenevamai" and next to here Amore sits, with his hands tied on the table, "untie him" the man said, Allegro looked at the man with murderous intents, "so you're Avidita Nonsenevamai" Allegro said, they looked at each other in silence "yeah, what's it to you" Avidita said as he commend one of his agents to get him a cigar, "hey, you smoke?" Avidita asked Allegro as he reached out to give him a cigar, "no, i don't" Allegro replied, "so what chu want with my daughter?" he asked, lighting up his cigar, "what do you mean? I don't want anything from her" Allegro replied, "why is she with you?" Avidita asked, puffing the cigar, "you two going out?" he asked, pointing at the two, "no! Of course not" Amore said, surprised, "you two would make a perfect couple, from these photos my men took, it looks like i might be right" Avidita said as he pulled out pictures of them together, one sitting on the shore, another, laughing together on the floor at the mall, one on the roof talking, another with her smiling at him. These are photos Avidita's men took of them as they spent time together, "you've been, spying on me?" Allegro asked in rage, "how does it feel getting beat in your own game?" Avidita said with pride, "wow, good job" Allegro said, clapping his hands, "good job at being the dumbest mafia boss" Allegro correct himself, Avitia looked nervous, "dumb? Don't forget you're in my home, surrounded by men ready to do whatever i say" Avidita yelled, "yeah, i am in your home, which is why i should thank you, thank you for leading me to your location that i've been searching for 2 months now, i knew i was been watch and followed, and when the agents you sent for me failed at their job, Amore said something about her father, then after that dinner we had, everything made sense" Allegro said in a calming voice, "what are you talking about?!" Avidita yelled out as he stood up slamming his palms against the table, Allegro stood up as well and pulled out a gun from his back and aimed at Avidita, the agents then aimed their guns at Allegro, "both of you calm down!" Amore yelled out, "did anyone check him?" Avidita asked, "sorry, that was my bad" a agent apologized, "oh no, don't worry about it kid" Avidita said, then pulled out his gun and shot him in the head, "get him outta here" Avitia ordered, "continue" Avidita said, "after i knew she was your daughter, i realized that you must have been following me and her, so i used that to my advantage, i allowed myself to get caught so you could take me to where your hiding spot was, my chances were 50/50, you could've taken me to a remote location, far away from your hiding place, but thanks to your small non-functioning brain of yours, you lead me to where you did not want any cops to find" Allegro continued, "so what of it? I'll just kill you" Avidita said, "go ahead, kill me, but it's far too late for that, you see i put a tracking chip on me and that tracking chip, notifies the CIA, wherever i go" Allegro said, Avidita, now worried than ever, "we gotta get outta here" he said to his partners, "no, too late now, they're already here" Allegro said, as sirens came from outside the house, "they can take me but i'm taking you along with me" Avidita said, "you know, i'm not after you, you can tell me what i wanna know then i'll let you slide for this time"Allegro suggested, Avidita looked out the window, cop cars, and police man ready to shoot up the place and looked at Allegro, "ok, fine, what do you wanna know?" Avidita asked, "where is "Violenza Odiare" Allegro asked, "i don't know, the last time i was him, he was trying to make an alliance with me by engaging my sweet figlia with his not that bad looking son, kinda looks like you" Avidita replied, "do you know where he might be?" Allegro asked, "no i don't, now help me escape" Avidita yelled at Allegro, "thanks, i a man of my word, take the back, i'll go out the front" Allegro said as he walked to the door, as avidita ran he said for his last words to Allegro "next we meet, you're swimming with the fishes" "yeah, yeah, keep Amore say for me would ya" Allegro said as he walked out the door, "hold your fire, it's Allegro" a agent yelled out, now that they saw that Allegro was safe, they went inside and shot up the ones that couldn't escape in time, the rest ran through the wood and ended up at the cliff then was picked up in a boat by Violenza. The cops and agent didn't get there in time so they escaped. They took Allegro for questioning for why he let them escape, he stay quiet, they let him go and told him to find them, then after he walked out of interrogation room, he saw Amore in handcuffs, going in the other interrogation room, he was surprised, then asked if he could interrogate her, the agreed and so he did, he walked in and with a surprise on her face she said "what are you doing here?" "i should be asking you that?" he responded, "my father told me that it would be safer if i got caught and was in your care, his money which is in his home is probably taken, he could not pay back some mafia bosses, which will make them mad and come after him" she said, "ok, i can't take you home yet, they will have to interrogate you more than you could be let go, after hours of questioning, they let her go and Allegro took her back to his house. The next day everything seemed normal, they had breakfast they went out for coffee and the spent each minute of that day together, and at the end they went up to the roof and hanged out there together, this continued on for 2 weeks until, one fateful day, the FBI showed up to Allegro's house, they took him and arrested him, he was very confused but he did not resist, "we caught the guy, we no longer need you" a CIA agent said, they walked over to the window of the Interrogation room, "that's not him" Allegro said, "you sure, because he looks like him, he sounds like him, his DNA is the same, and he knows everything that Violenza knows" the agent said, "that's not him" Allegro repeated himself, "it doesn't matter, we caught the guy, now you're free to go" the agent said, without a second thought Allegro left, when he got home, he noticed vans parked outside his house, and the front door of the building was opened, he ran up the stairs hoping that nothing was wrong, to his disbelief, nothing was ok, as he reached his floor, he saw two guards at his front door that was broken again, before they noticed him, he hid shoot them. he took out his gun from his back, he wished he had a silencer but sadly he had to do this without one so he did, he aimed and shot one bullet that went straight through one of the guards head and came went in the to the other guard, the leader of this group heard the shot, "get ready!" he yelled out as Allegro went and picked out one of the guards body, using it as a shield, they shot but they missed, Allegro walked straight in and shot the agents one by one, hidden behind the body, they all fell and to the leaders surprise, Allegro killed at 9 of them expect 3, the leader and 2 others "calm down, it would be a shame if i had to kill this pretty lady right here" the leader yelled out to him, Allegro dropped the body, "you, don't have a chance, according to my calculation, you only have one bullet left" the leader said, Allegro, then took out the clip and put in a new one, "now i have a full clip" Allegro said, "you're still outnumbered" the leader said, i can take all 3 of you guys down in 10 seconds" Allegro said with pride, "i bet you can, now drop the gun or she's getting a bullet in her skull" the leader said, then Allegro took the empty clip, he threw it at the guy one his right then he shot down the guy on his left, the leader pointed his gun at Allegros head, in a under a second he unloaded the pistol. Will a bullet still in the pistol the leader shot at Allegro, with ease, Allegro dodged it and took the back of his pistol and knocked the leader out, when the two agents woke up, they were tied up in a chair, and saw their comrades bodies stacked on top of eachother, next to the door entrance, "hey i'm up here" Allegro said, slapping the leaders head, he just looked up at him with complete silence, "tell me what i wanna know, and i might let you go" Allegro said, the leader pulled up at him, " f*ck you, i ain't telling you sh*t" the leader said, then tried to spit on Allegro, "i told you he wouldn't tell us" Allegro said to Amore, disappointed, as he pointed the gun at the leaders head, the leader with fear hesitated, "hey girl, you wouldn't let him kill me right" he said in desperate need of help, "what do you mean, i tried keeping you alive so you could tell us what we wanna know but you refeved so what else am supposed to do?" she replied to him, "hey, can you let me go, i'm just a guy tryna make money for his family man" the guy next to him pleaded, "do you know anything?" Allegro asked, "oh yes, i'll tell you whatever you wanna know if you let me go" the guy replied, "who sent you?" Allegro asked, "Lussuria sent us, but we didn't come for you, we came for her" the guy replied, "what do they want with her?" Allegro asked, "Well, after Lussuria heard that she was apart from her dad, he wanted her for himself, he sent us here to capture her for him" the guy replied again, "but what would he want with her, and why did you tie her up instead of driving off and taking her to her?" Allegro asked again, "well we made a bet, she said that you would come home to save and we bet that you wouldn't, but you did and killed almost all of us" the guy replied, "oh, i get it, i remember now, Lussuria was the guy you told me about" Allegro said to Amore, "yes" she replied, "is that all you wanted to hear?" the guy asked, "no i have one more question, do you know where Violenza Odiare is?" Allegro asked, "no i don't" the guy said, "ok" Allegro replied, then he untied the guy and let him leave "thanks you, but i have to worn you, if he finds out the we failed and he doesn't have her, he will stop at nothing to get her" the guy said as he ran out the door, "hey what about" the leader asked, "you? Ok" Allegro said, "oh thank you so much you don't know how much i" before he could finish, Bang* a bullet was now in his head, "i know who you are, after this you really think i'll let you go? Menzogna" Allegra said, crash* the window of Allegro broke, and a smoke bomb came in, "cover your nose, cogh* cough*" Allegro yelled out