

He then took Amore out of the car and put her in the backseat of the car with the others, she woke up seconds after that "allegro! Where are you?" she cried out, "don't worry pretty lady, we'll take care of your boyfriend" a guy next to her said, "what did you do?" she asked, "as i said, we took care of him" he replied, "you killed him!" she asked, "yes" he said, she looked scared, nervous, "i'm just playing with you, he's in the trunk" they guy said, "don't you be doing no backseat bango in the back of my car you sickos" the driver said, "whatever you say daddy-O" the guy responded, as they drove to the hideout of Lussuria. "They should be back by now! I sent 30 men to get her, why is she not here yet!" Lussuria yelled as he threw stuff at his right handout, "i don't know boss, she is with man, now ex CIA agent after all, so it might take a couple minutes to get her, but without a doubt she will be here any minute, and you also said you wanted him alive" the guy relied, "i've been waiting over 30 minutes now!" Lussuria yelled, "oh boss look, they're back!" the guy said, as cars drove in the hideout, "haha! Finally" Lussuria said, laughing as he made his way down to the cars, "you have who i want right!" Lussuria said to the leader of this operation, "yeah, one in the trunk and one right there, in the backseat" the leader said, "ok, ok, tie them both up!" Lussuria ordered, they did what he said, they got two chairs, and put Allegro and Amore in them, "stop, stop, let me go!" Amore yelled as they tried to tie her up, Allegro was still knocked out, "and who is this!" Lussuria asked as he looked at Allegro, "uh, he's the guy that was with her" a guy said, "oh yes, you, you better not have touched my bride!" Lussuira said, "answer me when i am talking to you!" Lussuria yelled, "uh boss, he's still knocked out" a guy said, "oh, then wake him up then" Lussuria ordered. When Allegro woke up he saw himself tied up in a chair in a abandoned shipyard, and 10's of men surrounding him, his head very dizzy, his vision was very blurry, he sees a guy in front of him talking but he can't really hear what he was saying, after a few seconds the guy's mouth stopped moving, Allegro tilted his head, confused. A he got punched in the face knocking him over, "ah, what was that for" Allegro yelled looking at the guy who punched him, it was the same guy who knocked him out, "ok now that i have your attention, you better not have touched my bride" Lussuria yelled, "what? I don't even know who you're bride is" Allegro responded, "get him up and punch him again" Lussuria ordered, the leader did what he asked, "the lady next to you that isn't getting punched is my bride" Lussuria said, as Allegro looked over to his side, Amore with duct tape on her mouth, it looked like she was screaming, tryna say something. Lussuria looked at Allegro, kinda confused. "Oh wait, you like her don't you" Lussuria said, Amore then stopped and looked at Allegro, she blushed. "Too bad kid, she's already mine" Lussuria said, laughing at Allegro's face, "and after we get married i'll do whatever i want to her, i would keep you alive so you could see it, but i know how it's going to turn out at the end, you're gonna get free, come and get her, and then kill me, then you'll live happily ever after, but guess what kid, i'm not a moron, i'll kill you before you can even blink!" Lussuria said, pulling up his own chair, flipped it to the other side and sitting on it, "know what, i'll keep you alive for one more hour...i wanna show you something" Lussuria said with a creepy smile, "you sure she's your bride?" Allegro asked, "don't question me kid" Lussuria replied, "you must be, Lussuria, you're on our top 5 list" Allegro said, Allegro, looked at him with killing instances, "but that's, not why i wanna kill you though, you did something to Amore that i'll pay you back for" Allegro said, as his eyes turned darker and darker, Lussuria looked nervous, he breathed heavily, "you know what i change my mind, kill him now!" Lussuria ordered, then one guy came up to Allegro pointing a gun at his head, ready to shoot, he looked nervous as well, sweat rolled down his face, as he looked into Allegro's eyes, he as well started to breath heavily, "do it!" Lussuria yelled, "ahhh" the guy yelled, Bang* he shot, Allegro just in time, moved out the way by pushing the chair over on his back, "stop messing around and finish him Already!" lussuria yelled at the guy, "yes boss" the guy aimed his gun again. Allegro killed his leg, causing him to fall over onto the leg of the chair, impaled in through his neck and out his skull, "what the h*ll?" Lussuria yelled, moving the body and putting the chair back on it's leg, "ok, i'm done playing around" Lussuria and his men stepped back and they aimed their guns. his men took out the Thompson, MP40, M3A1, Browning wz.28, Stg44. They pulled Amore to their side and they all took 20 feet from Allegro, their guns aimed at him, "let's see you dodge all of these" Lussuria yelled to Allegro, as they were about to shoot, cop cars pulled up, the men all turned around and shot, they sprayed down the cop cars, killing all the policeman, then Boom* Boom* Boom* the cop cars blew up, one by one, injuring almost all of Lussuria's men, then more sirens came their way, "boss, you gotta get outta here!" an injured guy said to Lussuria, he looked at the guy then he tried to run out, but before he could escape, the cops were already there "stop!" a cop yelled, but Lussuria kept running, forcing the cops to put him down, they all shot Lussuria's back, he collapsed to the ground, dead. The rest of the cops went into the building and took the rest of Lussuria's men that weren't injured and arrested them, they untied Allegro, "why'd you save me?" Allegro asked to the chief of the police, "just repaying an old debt" the chief replied, "hey, others are going to come for you, come with us to the station, and we'll protect you" the chief said to Amore, "no, if they found out you're protecting her, they'll definitely come for you and your family, i won't risk that'' Allegro said, "you're right" the chief sighed, "but if i don't do anything how will you two keep safe?" The chief asked, "my far aunt who lives with her son in Michigan, has a cabin in the woods that no one knows about, we'll be safe there" Allegro replied, "ok, but how are you going to get there? You can't go by train, you'll be recognized, you can't go in your car, they'll track you down" the chief said, "ok, you can take one of my cars'' the chief sighed, "thank you, i'll repay my debt someday" Allegro said to the chef, they went in the cop car and the chief drove them to his house, he gave Allegro the key to one of his cars a 1966 Chevrolet Corvair 500, "don't scratch it!" the chief said as he handed Allegro the key. They both got in the car and they started driving away, "thanks again!" Allegro yelled back to the chief, "yeah, no problemo" he replied. The chief went on the rest of his day, then came night, he woke up at the middle of the night, tied to a chair, his family, his wife, two daughters, and a son, all tied up on the floor, he tried to speak but duct tape was on his mouth, "oh good, you're awake, a figure said, "this your family?" he said again, "oh silly me, your mouth is shut, here let me help you" he said, as he removed the duct tape from his mouth, "now isn't that better" the guy said, "what do you want?" the chief yelled, "quiet down, i forgot i didn't come here for chitchat, i came here to see where those two are going! I know, you know where they're headed, tell me, or this family right here, will see what i am capable of" they guy whispered to the chief, the chief breathed slowly and heavily, he can't decided, should he tell him, and risking the life of the guy who helped him find his family, or don't tell him and risk the life of his family, he started to cry, but he knew that if he didn't tell him were Allegro was and put his family at risk Allegro would never forgive him, "i'm waiting" the guy said, the chief took a deep breath, he said nothing. "Hury old man!" the guy yelled, as he pulled out a Vis wz.35 at the chief's wife, "ok, ok, i'll tell you, there headed to Nebraska" the chief yelled out, the guy just looked at him, then he knocked the chief on the head with the pistol, "last chance" he said, one last time as he put the gun, on the chief's wife head again, "stop! They're headed to Michigan" the chief said, crying, the guy looked at him, "that's more like it, you see how easy that was?" the guy said, as he went to the kitchen he took one of the chief's keys and drove off to find the two