Sea of Eternity

Louis's POV:

I teleported into my study and picked up my phone, dialing Paris's number. Waiting, I nervously started tapping my fingers against my desk and sat on it. I didn't know what I was doing... I wasn't sure yet. I was going to see how it went and go off of that.... If he sounded like he wanted to forgive me, I'd invite him over... if he sounded like... well... Paris hating me, I'd hang up.

"Hmmm- This is Paris." I heard Paris say softly into the phone, he sounded like he had been sleeping. Oops. I winced and thought for a split second about hanging up.

"Did I wake you?" I asked quietly, wanting to make sure.

"I dozed off." Paris admitted and I heard him stretching. "Good thing you woke me or I would've woken up with a sore body." I heard his chair shifting... He had dozed off at his desk. "What do you need Louis?" He wondered as he sighed.

"W-well..." I thought about it for a second. I don't really need anything. I just wanted to find out. "I don't really need anything.... Just wanted to check on you," I said and started twirling my hair around my finger nervously. I noticed it was actually wavy, not straight like it was when I was a guy. Interesting.... I like it.

"Check on me?" Paris asked and laughed. "Why would you want to do something like that? After all.. I did doom you to a girl."

"Yeah, you got me marked," I hissed out as I felt a bubble of anger rise up inside me.

"Congratulations! How did it feel to finally be marked for the first time in all of your eternity? Was it painful? Thrilling?" I blushed and tightened the hair around my finger as I tugged on it gently.

"Yes, it was very...very painful. You try having a piece of your neck ripped out of you and then have a giant car sized wolf on top of you." I narrowed my eyes and laid back on my desk then, hanging my head off of the end and watched as my hair fell down like a curtain towards the ground.

"Sounds like a party." Paris joked.

"Not funny," I said irritably. "Anyways...." I trailed off awkwardly as I thought about the reason I was calling. I couldn't just come out and ask... could I? Did I need to work my way to it? Would he be the amazing twin who would know where I was going with this call? Would it just come out of my mouth without me really knowing? What would he say to me? Would he get mad at me again?

"Yes Louis?" Paris asked me. I could hear him getting out of his chair and walking somewhere. "You didn't just call to check in on me..." He wasn't asking. I tensed up and closed my eyes. Seems he's got the twin's intuition. I stayed quiet for a few moments, waiting to see if he'd take a guess or if he would wait for me to say something back to him- to confirm it. "Well?" He asked me. I heard him opening up the fridge door and pulling something out of it as he switched the phone to his other ear.

"You're right," I whispered softly, opening my eyes again. "I didn't just call to check in on you, though that was a reason for why I did."

"Are you going to get to the point on the phone or should I come there in person?" Paris asked me as he shut the door and I heard him open a can.

"You're not drinking, are you?" I asked quickly, sitting up. "That better just be a soda."

"Uh...." He shuffled the phone around and I heard him pouring something out into a sink. "Nooooo."

"I've driven you to drinking, haven't I?" I asked, narrowing my eyes.

"I was drinking before!" He protested. "It wasn't you." I heard him get something else out of the fridge and heard him open a bottle and start to chug the liquid inside. He's gonna worry me if he keeps up his drinking habits.... I sighed and looked down into my lap.

"Be careful with how you drink," I muttered.

"Do you have any clue who you are talking to? Which... By the way- I still need new lungs thanks to that tar." He chuckled and I heard him walking again.

"Yeah, they aren't going to do anything like that again," I said and laughed evilly, remembering how I had killed them all- even though it was pretty much because Dante made me.

"What do you mean by that?" Paris asked and I heard him sit down and start rocking in a rocking chair.

"I...killed them," I admitted. "I got them back for that." I glanced around my study then. Did he not already know? I could've sworn he would have found out by now. He's Paris.

"You... didn't... take out the high classed ones did you?" He asked calmly.

"No, I left the major families alone. I killed the rats at the HQ and stopped there," I told him. He let out a sigh.

"You just can't let me have any fun, can you?" Paris sighed out. "That was supposed to be mine. I was going to save it for after the war." I stopped then. The war.... He still wants it then. He's still in it. I nodded to myself then.

"Well... I did it for you," I murmured, closing my eyes.

"Louis, I told you years ago to stay out of the hunter's ways. Would you like to know why- would you like me to remind you why?" Paris asked. "They're going to bring hell onto you and I am going to have to act quicker then I was expected." I heard the chair stop rocking. I sighed.

"Well, if they come, don't worry about it then. I'll be fine. After all, that's one less thing for you to have on your list." If I die, then the war is over. If I kill them all, he won't have to kill them himself.

"I think I found something useful for Lauren." He changed the topic then. I opened my eyes then.

"Really? That's good. You should go try it out soon then. After all, you are probably missing her." I laid back down on my desk, going back to hanging my head off of it.

"It involves a witch." He left it at that and waited for me to answer. Tensing up, I bit the inside of my lip.

"A witch.... you sure? What if it backfires?" He and Lauren might get really hurt- not to mention possibly Benjamin, my third in command.

"If it does backfire... Well... This is why I am telling you what I am doing. If we disappear... You will get everything you want." Paris mumbled. "Don't let Richard be too upset." I bit my lip harder then, causing it to bleed.

"Ow!" I winced as I felt a sharp pain in my lower lip and tasted my own blood. "Paris, shouldn't you try to find something else then? Keep searching....You shouldn't do something like that if there is a chance it goes wrong. You'll leave Richard alone."

"You wasn't clearly thinking either when you went to hell." Paris hissed at me. "Do you have any idea what I was going to do if it wasn't for your darn newborns!? I was prepared to go in after your dumb butt." He was in front of me now and hung up. I shot up quickly as I heard him and looked at him with wide eyes, dropping my phone accidentally. Uh oh.... "So little twin... What do you want?" Paris asked and knelt down, watching me. I watched him and felt like my face was heating up. I blushed and looked away.

"I'm not little," I mumbled under my breath. Why are you so complicated?!

"Why did you trap me in a box?" He shot back at me. I sighed and looked at my desk, slowly running my fingers over it. Power that I don't really want anymore..... I looked back over at him, staying silent. "What do you mean you don't want it?" He asked and raised an eyebrow. I got up off of my desk then, putting my bare feet on the floor as I slid down off of my desk.

"I'm...." I trailed off and looked down at my feet. I don't want to fight him for it anymore....I used to be so sure that I wanted power that I threw my own twin into a box, but after seeing him come back, seeing what it did to him.... I wasn't sure whether or not I wanted it anymore. I had found my mate, and he helped me. He has always done things for me, and I tossed him into a box for something that I thought I wanted. After he threatened to kill me and I saw that it was a big reality that he would, I became reckless and went to hell. I don't want power anymore if it means that I lose him. I only get one twin and one lifetime.... I should do something better with it then wage a stupid war that is only going to end with loss in the end. I shook my head as I felt tears well up in my eyes. Darn it! This stupid female teenager body! I wiped at my eyes quickly but it only caused me to start crying more. Paris shifted uncomfortable as he watched me.

"Louis... I..." He stood up and put his hands behind his back for a minute as he studied me and then walked toward me and wrapped his arms around me. "I think you have it bad." He whispered into my ear. "These hormones are getting to you bad." He rubbed my head and then moved my hair off of my shoulders and exposed my neck. He kissed it lightly and lingered his lips against my skin. I sniffled and rubbed the tears off my cheek as I didn't make a move to either push him away or move away. I'm not sure what I'm doing anymore....

"Paris.... I'm sorry about the box," I whispered, letting it slip out.

"I'm glad you are learning to feel sorry. I thought I would have to eat you to make you understand the concept of it." He laughed slightly. "You are going to have to try harder though if you want my forgiveness. After all... we are but only pure bloods riding the sea of eternity together with the tallest crowns on our head and the wisdom of god. You murdered my stationed army in France and made me look like a fool. Rose had to go to France and make a long speech about what happened and why it wasn't prevented... Then Laurence's crown..." He shook his head. "He is being laughed at. Do you not know how angry he is at you?" Paris pulled away from me then. "I'm going to have to punish you... far more then just dooming you into a girl's body. You are going to have to do some serious work for me." He laughed evilly then. "Do you want to know why I am so confident that you will?" I looked up at him then. It makes since that he would have to do something to me.... I killed a lot of people, and the rest of the masses are of course outraged. They'll want blood or punishment of some sort. I would too if someone did that to me.... I took a deep breath. He'll look soft if he doesn't do anything at all to me. They'll say its because I'm his twin and think he's not as strong. They'll overthrow him and Rose and possibly even Laurence. He'll have to do something public to me....maybe even have to publicly take my stone or kill me.

"I don't like starting over from scratch." Paris hissed out. "If you don't get punished then I might find myself doing just that. I like it here in Maine and I don't plan on getting kicked out of my manor. I worked hard to build it with you. I am not going to let it fall so quickly. So we need a plan." He took a seat in my chair. I watched him and then got back on top of my desk, sitting on it as I faced him.

"You could always execute me," I whispered softly. "The masses would think that you are still their strong leader who led them through the revolution then. They'd be reminded of what happens to those who cross you.... You could do it with Rose and Laurence."

"I am going to take a few days to decide on what I will do to you publicly. While I decide... You need to think hard on what you done, and decide if you are prepared to take this butt whipping." He laughed. I picked at my dress then and didn't look at him. I'd already been thinking about trying to make things right for awhile now.... And I know he knows that.... He called me on it in the library.

"Paris... You know that I am at the point where I'm willing to pretty much just give up." I sighed. I should probably use the time he's going to take to decide to write my will out- leaving everything to my beloved mate and my four pets. I'd have to divide it up.... I don't know if they'd be able to share without me here.....

"I'm not going to kill you." He stated then as he heard my thoughts. "I have already decided on that a long time ago, in the box. No... I am going to to join us so we can be the strongest in North America and Europe. That's if you can agree with what I want, with what my views are. I plan to take down all of the hunters at once to make it safe again for vampires. Then I am going to aim at the last bit of our elder generations that survived those many years ago. Can you handle doing that?" I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Paris, I'm your twin Louis. You just asked me basically if I could do what I have already proven I can do- by myself." I laughed a bit. I really hope he's not planning on eating me...that's he just planning on teaming up with me and that's what he means by join. There are some vampires out there who actually eat other's stones. I shook my head at that. He wouldn't eat my stone....

"Well... Richard ate his parents stones. Don't think I won't eat yours. I will gobble you up." Paris teased me and exposed his fangs. "Don't worry.. It won't be today." I bit my bottom lip.

"You know that is the last thing I'd ever let you do.... I'd rather you just kill me."

"I won't eat you while your mate is around." Paris stretched then and his phone started ringing. He snatched it out of his pocket and answered it. "Hello? Paris the Prince of France and-" He stopped mid-sentence. "Mhmmm! I still live there. Oh you heard about that... Yes... He is a bit mental as always. I know... Yes... I know that too. They are still training, you should visit them while you are in town. Right... See you tomorrow then. Bye, I love you too sweetie." He hung up then and looked towards me with a huge smile. Was that supposed to be his son or something? I narrowed my eyes.

"I'm not mental."

"You are too. Anyways my son Donnie is coming home!" Paris got out of the chair then. "I have to make preparations and tell Richard our boy is coming home... Oh he is going to be excited." He smirked and looked me over. "Hmmm... I will have to let him visit you. He said- by the way- to tell you he is mad about what you done to the bases in France." Paris crossed his arms. "So don't be weirded out when he glares you down. Oh! I am going to have to tell the Ainsworths he is coming home. They will want to see him." I gulped. nephew is coming home, and I'm stuck as a girl! I'm supposed to be the uncle who is unmovable! I pouted then. He's going to laugh at me and this is going to change his opinion of me big time....not that he ever liked me anyways....

"Paris, he'll take advantage of me being a girl," I whined. "I can see it now. He's going to kill me! The only ones who are allowed to kill me is you, Rose, Laurence, possibly Richard, and my mate."

"Would you like me to make you a male again?" Paris asked me and then reached into his pocket and pulled out a knife. I froze as I saw it. A thousand scenarios started running through my head, each ending with my death. If he's going to kill me, I want him to do it publicly so that he doesn't lose his throne and gets something out of it. If he kills me privately....well.... he'll still have to appease the masses. "I told you I am not going to kill you." Paris grumbled. "I have this because once I take your stone someone- a pure blood- will have to bleed out onto your stone and make you, you again." He motioned me over with his knife. Yeah.... Paris is the only one who would actually help me then.... I sighed.

"I really am sorry about the box....and the war....and the people I killed for it...." I looked him in the eyes then.

"Whatever about the people, I have more stashed away in a hole somewhere." He laughed. "What do you think happened to those vampires in my previous wars? They didn't go free or die." He laughed. "I got them hidden well." That's kinda....messed up. I bit my bottom lip then and glanced at the door then at him. The only way I'm going to be male again is if I let Paris take my stone again- even if he might still be angry at me. Laurence would kill me in a second if he got the chance, and Rose might put me in a jar and pickle me.... I sighed and got on the edge of my desk, tilting my head up to expose my neck and chest to make it easier for him. Isabelle is just going to have to take all those clothes back or use them herself. Paris walked up to me and kissed my cheek then reached into my chest easily like it was nothing and grasped my stone. "You will be back in no time.... Ten minutes tops." He promised me. He started to pull out the stone in me then. I gripped the desk to keep from fighting as pain shot through me. I closed my eyes and felt my nails digging into the desk, making marks. Guess I'll have to get a new desk....

Paris's POV:

I finished pulling out the stone and then watched as the girl started to transform back to how she looked before I put the stone in her. She fell over- close to death. I rolled my eyes and felt bad for the poor thing. I bit into my hand then and shoved my hand into her mouth to let her drink my blood. While that happened I licked Louis's stone and my blood on my lips soaked up into his stone. I felt it pulse then burn my hand, causing me to drop it.. His stone started to work like magic then as Louis started to form around the stone. I looked back at the girl and pulled my hand back, letting her deal with what little she got. My blood started to turn her into a newborn right then. After all... I can't let her walk away now. I looked back at Louis and waited for him. After a few minutes, he sat up and touched his chest as he took deep breaths. He laughed after feeling relieved that I hadn't eaten or destroyed his stone then looked up at me, gratitude in his eyes making them shine. I bit my bottom lip as I realized I could have killed him and got him later in life when his little mate was older and then we could all have a good laugh at this. I chuckled. Funny how things tend to work out.... I will kill him later to mess with him- OF course I will bring him back. He smiled at me and got up, wrapping me in a hug. "Thank you....Oh, and about the army.... You can always have all of Isabelle's newborns.... I'm not going to be using them and neither is she."

"I'll take them, I love armies to go." I chuckled and then hugged him back. "You can have that newborn right there." I motioned to her. Louis glanced at her.

"I wonder if she tastes good or if she tastes like trash....." He whispered and then looked at me. "I think the army she raised for me is about the number of vampires I killed and then some."

"We have a deal then?" I asked and smirked. I could totally use a new army. I am going to have to take Louis to court over this though in front of the other princesses and princes and confirm with them all that we are now at peace. "Tomorrow, my place at five." I told him quickly. "We have papers to sign." He nodded and leaned his head against mine, closing it. I got a flash of Alpha Hunter talking to him in the past from his point of view and heard him tell Louis that I had been trying to impress him this whole time. Louis moved away after using his power to show me that and smiled.

"You never had to prove yourself to me, you know?" He told me and brushed some of my hair over my ear. "You've been the best twin ever." He paused and widened his eyes, teleporting away as he realized something. He had come back without anything on. He reappeared after a second, slipping a shirt over his head as he was now dressed completely. I laughed and shook my head.

"I- I think I should go." I said softly before we could get back on the previous subject of what Alpha Hunter had told him. I am going to have to speak to that Alpha... I blushed slightly and tried to dismiss the thought that Louis knew my most treasured secret. He looked at me sadly for a minute.

"Alright.... You do have a lot to do with your son coming.... I will-" The door suddenly opened, and a slightly familiar vampire walked in- the Prince of Germany. He stopped as he saw me in here.

"Paris? Louis, what's going on?" He narrowed his eyes and looked to Louis. He widened his eyes and looked from me to Dante.

"Dante....what are you doing here? I didn't call you...."

"No, you didn't, but I wanted to talk to you and make sure that you weren't getting soft on me. After all, I had to persuade you to actually go through with attacking the Vampire Hunters when you went to back out on it. I see now why you did...." He crossed his arms and stared at Louis in anger. Louis sighed and shook his head.

"Dante, the war is over. We've come to an agreement, and if you don't want to get caught up in the consequences of it, I suggest you leave," Louis told him and exposed his fangs to him threateningly. "I'm planning on leaving you and the rest out of the repercussions, but if you think you can just come in here anytime you feel like it, I might just drag you down with me." I exposed my fangs then, I never liked this Dante... he was never one of my favorites whenever all of the royalty got together and celebrated the new years.

"Hello Dante." I said calmly. I walked towards him then with an extended hand. "I hope that you will not have to face the consequences like my twin will." I looked at Louis as I waited for Dante to shake my hand. "We have decided on a rather most agreeable agreement." I flashed Dante a warning look. He narrowed his eyes at me.

"Agreement? Louis," he hissed out my twin's name and looked at him.

"It was not your war Dante. Your streak is untarnished, and you are getting out of this scott free as of now. If you do something to provoke one of us... You will be taken down too," Louis warned. "I will make sure everyone knows that you had teamed up with me, and they'll make you pay for it as well. As of now, the only ones who know are us three and my closest confidants. The masses want blood, and they will probably get it too."

"I wouldn't mind taking one of your team mates down to go with that agreement we made, brother." I said and chuckled lightly. "It would be very... entertaining for the masses." I licked my lips then. "I do- after all have the taste for pure blood tonight." Louis walked over and looked at Dante who just looked at us, completely pissed- beyond pissed. He thought for a split second about killing the both of us, but he restrained himself and went to leave.

"You better watch yourselves," he hissed out before going out of the room. Louis clenched his jaw then and looked after him.

"He's lucky.... I could take him with me, but I'm being nice.... After all, he threatened me twice now. He threatened me when I was going to leave the HQ alone and back out of my plans for it and he threatened me just now...." Louis looked at me then unsharpened his fangs. I stiffened a laugh.

"He thinks he can kill us." I whispered low enough to where he would just barely catch it. I shook my head and then looked at Louis. "Tomorrow, when we go to court.... If they tell me to kill you... I will do everything in my power to make sure that you get away without a scratch." I whispered to him and walked up to him. I pushed his hair out of his eyes and looked into them. "To be my partner... means more then anyone will ever know. I take care of my partners in crime. You better be worth it." I leaned in and kissed the top of his head. He smiled then and grabbed my hand.

"I can just plead insanity. That's what the Prince of Russia did when he tried to kill us all and we put him on trial. He got away without a scratch and was put under observation, and he did more than I did," he pointed out. "The others just don't want to be killed, and so I'm sure that they will probably just dismiss it if they think I'm not a threat. The masses are the hardest part."

"The masses are nothing. I wouldn't worry too much about them. After all... I overthrown my parents and started a revolution. I wasn't but maybe fifteen. Nothing scares me. After all... I know what hell is like." I told him. I leaned down into the crook of his neck and bit down into it, shoving him against a wall. He made a small noise of surprise as I did so and gripped my sides. I smiled against his skin as his sweet- fresh blood poured into my mouth and I could taste the pureness in it- how exactly the same it tasted to mine. I ran my fingers into his white hair and bit down harder into his neck to get more blood. He tightened his grip on me, but he tilted his head to allow me better access, not putting up a fight.

"You know... I saw you in Hell....a lot...You tried to bite me there too," he whispered as his blood flowed more freely from me deepening the bite. He seen me in hell? Curious... I'm curious. I pulled back from the bite then and licked up the blood that had fell down his neck.

"You seen me in hell?" I wondered.

"Yes, you seemed to be Hell's favorite illusion to play on me...." He told me and looked me in the eyes.

"I am?" I brightened up and laughed. I must be doing something right then. He frowned then and shook his head slightly.

"Yes you are.... Hell showed me that time I pushed you into the rose bushes on accident and that time period where we lived off of each other...." He laughed a bit then and looked at me. I licked my lips and nodded.

"Seems like something hell would show. We won't get the hardest part of hell until we die or get lost forever in it. Hell just shows us little things. Little illusions." I shrugged. I was still figuring out hell myself. He nodded then and looked past me as I heard a thud. The girl let out a whimper and then saw us.

"Y-you! What did you do to me?! Where am I?!" She shouted at us. Louis laughed.

"Russia?" He asked to make sure. He must have picked up on the accent.

"We thought it would be fun." I informed him. "Russia girls are spicy." I winked at the newborn. "Want to do the honors of telling her?" I asked him. He smirked then and walked over to her, kneeling down to be on her level.

"You....were handpicked to be part of a prank, and you are now stuck as a vampire. Paris is your creator," he told her and gestured to me. The girl looked at me then with wide eyes.

"V-vampire? Are you two high?!" I exposed my fangs then.

"Not at the moment... No." I told her and walked over to her. "I am Paris- that is Louis." I gestured to Louis. "Remember me?" I asked her. She nodded and seemed to be slightly afraid.

"You were with that Richard guy who knocked me out...." Louis raised an eyebrow and looked up at me.

"Well you two went to great lengths to prank me...going all the way to Russia and kidnapping a girl."

"Mhmm... Richard is my mate." I told her. "I am giving you to Louis. He will be your maker now." I flashed my eyes at her as I compelled her. Her eyes glazed over and she nodded easily. Just as she did that, my phone buzzed in my pocket. I pulled it out and took a look at the text message in curiosity. Raven had texted me.

Raven: I will be back tomorrow! Managed to survive camping!

Me: We found Lauren, the war is over, and my son is coming home tomorrow. You missed a bunch!

Raven: The war is over? Oh, I'm thinking about turning Austin btw.... Thought I should let you know in case I do on a whim.

Me: I will explain everything as soon as you are back. I don't mind if you turn Austin. We need to repopulate our species. There was a huge... massacre.

Raven: Massacre? Is everyone alright at home? I can come back early.

Me: Just my people in Europe. Nothing too big.

Raven: Still, it's only the one night I would miss. Nothing much will happen in the morning except for them coming back home. If you need me, I will come ASAP.

Me: Take your time, I won't be at the manor when you come back most likely.

Raven: Ok, I will be back tomorrow if you don't need me right this moment. Take care. Text me as soon as something comes up in case you need me. I will keep my phone on all night.

I put my phone up and looked at my twin and the newborn. "Tomorrow then. I should get back to Richard." I looked at Louis faintly and gave a small smile. He nodded then and smirked.

"Tomorrow," he told me and waved. "I need to go tell August the good news." He looked at the newborn then. "ISABELLE! I HAVE A PRESENT FOR YOU!" Isabelle appeared quickly and looked at him.

"Hmm?" He laughed and pointed to the girl.

"She's yours. You decide whether you eat her or if you keep her. I don't care either way." The newborn whimpered in fear then and started to back up as Louis disappeared from our sights. I gave Isabelle a smile then teleported to my bedroom and looked around, expecting Richard to be asleep- or close to in it.

"Richard?" I asked. I saw him then, snuggled up to my pillow with his arms wrapped around it. He had the blankets all twisted up around him like he hadn't been able to get comfortable without me and his hair was ruffled. His eyes slowly blinked open and he lifted his head to look at me, his eyes hopeful.

"Paris? Are you feeling better? Enough to come to bed with me?" I nodded then and took off my shirt and pants so I was just in my shorts I had under my pants. I crawled into bed with him and pulled him close to me.

"I'm better." I whispered into his ear. Should I go ahead and tell him the news? Or... should I wait for in the morning when he is awake. He curled up to me and put his head under my chin, kissing my neck softly.

"I'm glad.... You were starting to worry me, and I was getting ready to tear Louis apart for it," he hissed out my twin's name and got closer to me, wrapping his arms around my neck as our bodies were touching now. He didn't leave me an inch of space.

"I have some good news for you," I whispered into his ear. He hummed slightly, prompting me to tell him as I felt his fangs graze my neck. "Donnie is coming back home tomorrow." I ran my fingers through Richard's hair and smiled. "He said he misses and loves us."

"How sweet.... I knew Donnie would come see us soon. It's been over ten years after all...." He murmured and then bit down gently. I gasped and let him bite.

"He said that he was in France when the attacks happened. He was lucky he wasn't there- he was out finding prey. He's furious about the family war." I chuckled. "He's coming home to where he knows it is safest." I felt his lips pull up into a smile as he moved more into the crook my neck, biting down harder in hunger. I remembered then that he hadn't really eaten in awhile... He only likes to eat from me and sometimes other humans, but he hadn't gone hunting or bit me while I had been upset and drinking. I sighed, disappointed in myself. How could I have let him see me like that? I know it hurt him... I need to start considering what he would think and act over the things I do... I should do something romantic for us after we settle the everything tomorrow. I should plan it out when he is sleeping- early in the morning. I rubbed my hand down his head- to his neck, then down to the middle of his back and rubbed around it slowly. He let out a small moan and moved to the other side of my neck, not being nice about this bite and tearing into me. I arched my back then, digging my nails into his skin as I growled with ecstasy. "Richard~" I held back a chuckle. He's very good at making me feel overpowered.

"I should punish you for drinking like that," he muttered and pulled back, showing me his fangs as he looked down into my eyes. He licked his lips and smirked at me, glancing me over. "Maybe a bite here..." He moved down to my shoulder then and licked it teasingly. "Or here?" He moved down a bit to the side of my stomach. I gasped sharply and tensed.

"Punish me." I begged and held myself back from flipping us. I could play bottom for him tonight. "Master." I teased him.

"That's right," he muttered then, looking up into my eyes like he was daring me to make a move then went and bit down on the side of my stomach. I yelped as my stomach was sensitive and went to push him off of me.

"Richard~" I groaned. "N-not there." He moved back from it and licked at the blood, tickling me then moved back up towards my neck but stopped at my shoulders where he had licked me earlier. He bit down then, gripping my sides and holding a hand over my wound on my stomach. I let out a moan on accident and covered up my mouth to smoother it out. I gripped his shirt and hesitantly went to pull it off of him. Seeing me thinking about it, he grabbed my hands and sat up on me, pulling his shirt up over his head. He tossed it a few feet away and quickly moved back to my shoulder, biting down again. I leaned up to his shoulder then to give him a bite, exposing my fangs. I scrapped them against his skin and moved to take a bite while he was feeding from mine. He didn't make a move to pull away, but he tensed up slightly as he felt me preparing to bite him. I moaned as his blood poured into my mouth like a waterfall. It was the most incredible and exotic blood I ever tasted- every bite seemed like the first one to me as I took big, savoring swallows. He groaned and pushed me down onto the bed, moving back after a moment and looked at me.

"Are you hungry too? Or are you just treating yourself?" He smirked as he put a hand on his bleeding shoulder.

"I can't help it that you are to me like a cookie is to a fat boy." I whispered and licked my bloody lips. He laughed then and moved his hand away from it, exposing his shoulder to me again.

"Well, come here and get your cookie then...fat boy." He smirked at me and watched me closely. I shrugged and sat up then, holding his sides as I went back in for a bite out of my cookie. If being a fat boy is what I have to be to get his blood... Then a fat boy I shall be. He bit his bottom lip as I bit down again and adjusted himself on my lap into a more comfortable position for him.

"You ever get fat and I'm putting you on a diet," he whispered to me. I groaned a reply. I don't think my flawless body would ever let me get fat anyways... I pulled back from the bite as I remembered how hungry he should be. He needs the blood more then I do.

"Richard, you need to drink to." I purred into his ear. He smirked and moved towards my neck, hovering by my ear.

"I will drink when I want," he told me then bit down into my neck again. I melted into his arms as he bit into me and closed my eyes, day dreaming about the first time he ever bit me. He was the first one to break the rules. He had bit into my neck on the piano bench... and our story grew from there.

I blushed and whispered, "Remember when you first bit me?"

"Mhmmm.... I'd do it again too. Next time I catch you playing my piano downstairs," he teased as he pulled back an inch and stared at the bite marks on me as he started to think about biting me again.

"Don't take too much, I need to be at my best tomorrow." I told him. "It's a big day after all tomorrow." He made a whining noise and then moved back to look me in the eyes.

"Mhhhh.... Should I tell you?" I asked and chuckled. "Or will I have to put off the news for tomorrow so we can get some rest."

"Who needs rest? I don't need rest, and I know you can go a week without it," he teased me and leaned in, stealing a kiss. I nodded against the kiss. He was right, I could go a long time without sleep but I enjoyed it too much to skip it. I kissed him back, deciding that I should tell him now before anything happens between now and then that tells him before I can or worse.

"I will tell you then." I said as I pulled from the kiss. He nodded then and sat in my lap patiently, knowing better than to interrupt me when I sounded like I was about to go into business mode. He smiled at me sweetly, thinking about what it could be. He was way off...

"We will have to go to a Royal meeting tomorrow." I began, giving a pause to see how he would react.

"Who's the poor sap?" He asked after a second and tilted his head in curiosity as he mused to himself. "I bet the Prince of Russia did something again.... He's supposed to be in that insane asylum, but you know him.... He knows how to escape it easily."

"I got a call... and then I went somewhere..." I began. I could hear someone's thoughts outside the door and realized it was Laurence. I called the meeting in order for tomorrow, it will be at eleven and they want it to be held at your uncle's manor instead of here. I heard him walk past the door and I smirked. Everything is set for tomorrow then.

"So you went somewhere?" He started to lean against me, threatening to kiss me before I could tell him if I didn't hurry it up. He smirked at me and ran his fingers up my chest to my lips and touched them.

"My dear twin confessed his guilt and is poorly sorry. We agreed to demolish the war, and we are no longer going to fight. We are now at peace. Louis and I have to go before the Royal tomorrow and Louis will have to face his punishment for what he has done. When it is over- tomorrow will be the beginning of a long time of peace." I smiled and leaned in to kiss him. He pulled back before I could and put a single finger on my chest, pushing me back down.

"You mean I have to get dressed up tomorrow for his sorry butt. Laurence will have his head on a platter, you know that right? He's going to be given a harsh punishment unless he has something up his sleeve. There are plenty of Royals who would like to see him taken down a lot of notches. Laurence....Rose.... the Prince of Russia usually tries to get people executed.... and then you have the ones who just do things for fun....but maybe...just maybe he might get out of this scott free. I've seen it happen before. He does have a plan right?" He raised an eyebrow at me then.

"I have a plan, he was thinking about pleading insanity. I have a few plans up my sleeve though." I looked up at him, hoping he wasn't too upset with me about forgiving Louis so easily. He smiled then.

"Well... I'm happy for you two then. It's great to see you two stop fighting.... Twins are something you should cherish," he told me then leaned in, getting a kiss before getting out of bed. "Stay here! I have something to celebrate!" He smirked then and held out a hand to me. "You leave...and I will not be lenient." He took off running then, not letting his thoughts clue me in as he started counting numbers in his head. I dropped my jaw and then when he was out of sight I walked off to the bathroom and shut the door behind me, locking it. I took off the shorts and my boxers then turned the shower head on to take a hot shower. I stepped into it and stood under the shower. I groaned and felt my sore muscles loosen up.

After the shower, I walked into my closet with a towel wrapped around my waist and looked for something to put on. I grabbed a pair of gym shorts and put them on then walked out of the closet- into the bedroom and started to dry my hair with the towel. "Hello my love," I mumbled, expecting him to be on the bed, or somewhere in the room. Sure enough, he was in my spot on the bed and was taking a swig of an alcoholic drink- one he buys for celebrating only. He hides them in secret places to keep me from drinking them whenever because they are that good. He looked up at me and pointed to my own bottle on my nightstand. I walked over to him, taking the bottle and swayed down to a spot on the bed beside him. "What are we celebrating?" I teasingly asked.

"We....are celebrating an end to the past ten years. Tomorrow begins the work at fixing it, so lets party tonight because we won't be able to later." He laughed and turned to look at me as he turned onto his side, taking another sip of his bottle. I nodded in agreement and then stood up on the bed and took a swig from the bottle.

"Then I want a strip show Richard." I called out and pointed down to him. "We are celebrating after all." Richard looked up at me and took a huge drink before setting it aside.

"Strip show?" He raised an eyebrow at me as he sat up. "You want one?"

"Give it to me," I ordered and got down on my knees and grabbed a hold of his belt to help him get started. He laughed and grabbed my hands.

"Now hold on.... If you want one that badly...then what kind of mate would I be?" He smirked and stood up off of the bed and looked at me. "Hmmm....I think I should make it slow....slow like the dead...."

"Any slower and it will be ancient." I teased him and laid down on the bed in a sexy position. I laid back on my elbows and crossed my legs. He laughed then and eyed me before starting to undo his belt, pulling it off and throwing it at my feet. I caught it with my feet and slid it down to my stomach and took it in hand for use later. I gave him an innocent smile. He grinned at me and reached down, taking off his socks and dropping them before moving up to the top of his pants, unbuttoning them slowly and unzipped them to where I could hear it- being really slow about it. I watched as I took a swig out of my bottle and inhumanly made a purr to encourage him I was pleased. He came closer to the bed then and crawled onto it as he started to slide his pants down, revealing his boxers underneath. I bit down on the edge of the bottle and exposed my fangs, watching him closely. "You sexy vampire." I whispered. He stopped midway down his thigh and started to crawl towards me, moving on top of me then went to finish it. He pulled them off and dropped his pants on my chest, smirking down at me. I laughed and went to kiss him as I threw the pants across the room. "Come here mate." I rumbled and flipped us so I was on top, wrapping an arm around his neck.

"Uh-uh... You know the rules about celebrations... Drink first before you do anything," he told me and reached out for it, expecting me to get it and give it to him. I placed the bottle to the side and then grabbed both his hands and tied them up in the belt. I distracted him with kisses, while I sneakily done so. He pulled back when he felt it tighten on his wrists and glanced up at it then looked at me, exposing his fangs. " better let me have my sip." I bit my bottom lip then, making it bleed. I kissed him with my bloody lips then, giving him his sip. He gave a surprised groan and then started to suck on my lower lip, deciding that it was better than the alcohol. I pulled away from the kiss and felt the punctures heal up on my lips.

"You want to do something fun?" I whispered.

"Hmm...does it involve getting my hands free, or do I have to work that little puzzle out myself?" He asked, raising an eyebrow as he pulled his eyes away from my lips and up to my eyes.

"You will have to figure that one out on your own," I leaned in towards his neck and started to giving him a love bite on the crook. He let out a soft moan and pulled on the belt, only making it tighter as his instincts took in to get them free- his smart brain dazed and not able to think straight. I held back a laugh so it didn't anger him and went for another love bite further down his neck. I smelled his blood as he probably bit down into his lip to keep from giving me another rewarding moan. I pulled back and went in to kiss his lips, sucking on his bottom one. It tasted faintly of his blood, and I made him slip out a small groan, the belt tightening on his hands again. He pulled back and looked up at his hands then, his thoughts clearing a bit as he wasn't distracted and he leaned up to his hands then, biting down on the leather in order to tear it. I tsked and moved his hands away from his mouth and shook my head. "Richard... You naughty boy." I ran my fingers down his sides then, tickling him. He laughed a bit at my touch and squirmed.

"I can't help it! I want to hold you too," he said sweetly, tugging on the belt again. I melted into his innocence and ripped the belt off his wrists- freeing him. He immediately wrapped his arms around me then and pulled me to him, kissing me passionately. I kissed back and wrapped my arms around his neck, letting out a soft moan. He pulled back then and sat up, forcing me into his lap and reached for his drink behind me. He got his hands on it then laid back down, taking a moment to chug it. I watched him and shook my head, he was just as bad as me sometimes. I laid down next to him and grabbed my bottle to sip on. He finished his then threw it, hitting the wall across the room. It shattered and fell to the floor. "Where were we?" He looked over at me and smirked. "I believe I was in the middle of getting ready to punish you for that belt." I widened my eyes and drunk the rest of my drink then, before throwing it somewhere and moved away from him. He grabbed me by my hips and pulled me back to him, kissing my neck. "Don't go so soon.... The party isn't over.."

"I- I think it is the after party now." I whispered. "Time to sleep." I patted the pillow near me.

"Not all the couples go to sleep during the after party," he pointed out and laughed darkly.

"The after party is when the party comes to life," I said as I thought about the fun times in the roaring twenties that we had together in New York. He moved to kiss me then, pulling me down to him as he got on top of me.

"You don't want to go to sleep just yet," he whispered seductively in my ear. "After all.... I haven't finished strip teasing you."

"You haven't finished?" I wondered. He still had his boxers on.... Was he planning to leave those behind in the dust? I bit my bottom lip. "I love you," I mumbled and leaned in to kiss him. He kissed me back before pulling away and rolling off of me.

"I've decided to save that for another night," he told me quickly and curled up to my pillow then, closing his eyes. I frowned and pulled the covers over me.

"Tease." I grunted out as I rolled over and faced away from him, closing my eyes. Well if you want me, then just tell me. I could hear him thinking again, knowing that I would hear him. I turned over and pulled him into my arms, kissing his temple. "I don't want just that out of you, and not doing it with you tonight will prove that to you." I whispered and held him tightly. "We can sleep together by one another peacefully tonight." He smiled at me approvingly.

"Alright then.... By the way, since how you probably won't be on the deciding committee because you have gone into peace with him and you are his brother..... do you want any favors?" He asked me as he curled up to me.

"The only reason why I can't be on it is because I am turning him over to them- since he came easily to me first for a treaty. If the war did happen- I could be on the deciding committee." I whispered. "So a favor? Try not to vote him to death... or to some evil- painful punishment for what he has done. I know.. He did a bunch. I hope that Laurence, Rose, and you will think things over before jumping the gun so quickly." I sighed. He smiled at me then.

"I wasn't planning on trying to get him punished honestly. He's your twin...and I know how important he is to you. Besides, all of us do something like that every once in awhile. They know that, and I expect they'll take an easy on him for it. Laurence is probably the only one who will try to get them to give him hell. I'm going to stick up for him in some political favors.... The Prince of Russia owes does the prince of Austria." He laughed then. "I think I will probably be the strongest member of the Royal Court tomorrow."

"We are almost the oldest... If it wasn't for Laurence. I don't really know anyone on the court older then him..." I trailed off as I tried to think of all our ages.

"I think I can get Laurence to come around...make a deal with him if he goes for the kill," he trailed off then as well, looking up towards the ceiling. "He'll probably get away with it. We all are pretty lazy and relaxed when it comes to our own. Louis has been a member of the Royal Court for as long as he's been a prince and it was established. He's in good standing with a lot of them. It's just you three he messed with, and we all know that you will punish him if you want. Since how he basically surrendered..... He'll look somewhat weak and not the vicious monster that went and killed everyone. He'll look like he really had a fit of insanity."

"I think he has a chance of walking away free tomorrow too, after all... If all three of us come to terms in forgiving him and the court sees that we are okay with him walking away home free, he should get out with barely a scar on him. Of course you never know... They don't want to get a taste of what Louis gave us. They might punish him to make sure it never happens to them." I thought too hard about it and shook my head nervously. He nodded then.

"Well.... You know that you have me to protect him tomorrow... I will attempt to get Rose and Laurence on our side before court tomorrow. They love me too much to refuse to listen to me. Rose will listen to you as well if you go to talk to her..... Laurence is pretty much the only wild card..... He thinks he can play God sometimes," he muttered.

"He sure does share some of the godly secrets." I muttered, wishing I had the power he has. He just takes advantage of it... slightly... but if I had it... I heard a knock on our door then.

"CAN I COME IN!?" I heard Laurence ask. Richard raised up his head and got underneath the cover then.

"Sure! You want to talk? I bet you can guess what we are talking about!" Richard laughed then. Laurence strolled into the room then with a stuffed old fashioned bunny in his arms. He was in his fashion designer onsie and some bunny slippers. His hair was pinned up with bobby pins and a ribbon. I raised an eyebrow as he crawled into bed with us and got between us then got under the covers and curled up to Richard. He smiled and wrapped an arm around him, bringing him closer. "Did you want something, or were you just lonely?"

"Mhmmm... Just lonely. Baleen is doing some ghost stuff." Laurence told us and yawned. "You don't mind if I sleep here do you." He wasn't asking, he was already set on sleeping with us tonight.

"No, not at all.... We weren't doing much.... Laurence, what are you planning to do tomorrow? I want to get an idea of how it might go tomorrow so I can start planning my moves accordingly. You know me, I like to get something out of every court meeting, ever the strategist." He looked at Laurence then and smiled sweetly. "It might produce some....pleasing results for my end as well."

"You want to know about how tomorrow will go and what I am going to do? Hmmm, I think that you should wait this out. I haven't decided yet." Laurence whispered and looked towards me. "Don't be too worried though, happy endings for all."

"Mhm...but you know that I like to have a certain degree of power over these meetings. We'd make quite the team if you joined up with me tomorrow.... Paris is going to convince Rose, right?" Richard looked to me then and then looked down at Laurence as he laid his head beside him.

"I am going to talk to Rose in the morning." I promised.

"Rose will stand by your side." Laurence yawned out. "Now let me sleep so I can dream and see what will play out for tomorrow. I will let you know my answer in the morning." He waved us off.

"You don't always have to follow the future, you know?" Richard murmured as he closed his eyes, kissing Laurence's cheek much like a parent would a small child.

"My dear friends... there are more then one future. Remember- there was the one where you two went to war, now it is gone. The future can always change. I am going to look for the best path tonight for tomorrow."

"Good...when you get too big for your britches, I'll take you down two notches," Richard joked.

"Your just jealous." Laurence yawned out and looked up at Richard. "You know, I am jealous of you too... You are tall, older looking because you aged when I got stuck in this form, and then you also found your mate. So... don't go britchesing me."

"Hey, he or she will show up one day.... Just you wait.... I'm going to be laughing the day you meet your mate because I know that they are just going to love you to death and pinch your little cheeks," he teased as he started to doze off, using that ability of his to pass out randomly. I was dozing off myself as I watched Laurence pondering over if he wanted to argue over that or not. Eventually I drifted into sleep before I could see him.