Ch 2 Some more questions and a quick fall


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This is my P_A_T_R_E_O_N link and if it is not your cup of tea but me a coffee.

guys as you know I am trying to write my Owen fanfiction which name is "Unexpected Travel Into The Multiverse", I am not the best writer but I am doing my best and i also need you guys help in it. you guys just try to give me ideas and find my mistakes i will do my best. in a way you can says you are going to be co-authors.

hey also join the discord so we can directly communicate and you guys can give me ideas


" well when we used our full powers to destroy the wall, rather than destroying the wall we nearly destroyed the whole of megaverse which we call the collection of the omniverses, we all suffered some kind of backlash when we felt it, it felt like a warning to all of us that we should not try it to something like that again and me and the other Omni-rulers also understood that there is something out there across the fourth wall " said the old man with a serious look and turned towards Nathan.

nathan quickly gathered his thoughts and said "why are you telling me all of this and shouldn't this be some kind of secret only known to the omni-rulers or their closest subordinates and i barely know you and now i kinda feel that you want something from me but i don't get it" nathan said it while tapping the table with his finger with a look that says you are hiding something.

the old man saw this and quickly laughed and said "you are really smart young man, well as i said before about the backlash we received, well because of that all the Omni-rulers had a realization that there are more powerful beings present than us outside the 4th wall and until now we just had some petty squabbles but we were in a way good friends with each other, so we all decided that each of us will take in someone as our prodigy and who is a better option than you who withstood the void for this long and even were able to assimilate it in your self and because of that you can now travel between the omniverse just like the Omni-rulers but you need time to grow and get used to the powers, normally it would be hard for the prodigy to grow and be able to travel to another universe through void now you can do it without any problem. but you need training, now we don't want you being torn into shreds by mistake do we" said the old man laughing, but Nathan was having a hard time keeping up with so much information.

putting both hands on his head Nathan said "well i need some rest, for now, can I take rest or?" asked Nathan then the old man said "nonsense don't worry young man take good rest we will meet in 2 seconds. "whaaaaaaaaa" and as Nathan was about to ask, suddenly a portal opened below him and he fell in and the portal closed "hahahahahahah that trick never gets old" laughed the old man for a moment and he snapped his finger again and another portal opened above where Nathan stood just now and from Nathan fell but in different clothes and he fell while screaming.

then he got up and said that "this was the best sleep i ever had in my entire life" said a refreshed Nathan.

then the old man said "so shal we continue the discussion" and Nathan nodded and took his seat which he had a day before.

then he said "I have a few questions what if I don't want to be your student or if I became your student what will I have to do," said Nathan as he didn't want to be a slave student to someone or lose his free will for power.

the old man said "well if you don't want to be my student you will be sent to the reincarnation cycle to get your memories wiped out and sent on to your new life and no I can't let you to keep your memories and if you become my student you will only have to worry about growing strong and you don't have to anything if you don't want to because I want a student whom I can trust not a solider or general " as the general said it Nathan started to think deep about it and asked "if I became your student and when I grow stronger can I go back to my world and meet my family" asked Nathan hopefully he really missed his family.

the old man gave Nathan a serious look which caused Nathan to get worried then suddenly the old man laughed and said "when did said you can't meet your family young man you can meet them whenever you want but it would be too easy for you if I just send you there so when you reach a certain level you can go there on your own and meet them"

nathan was really happy because now he can get powers and also meet his family. he asked the old man quickly with evident excitement in his face. the old man just laughed and said "well, for now, you can receive 3 wishes with some restrictions and I will make sure you don't get too OP ok my boy" said the old man with a smile.

rather than getting dissatisfied Nathan was really happy with it and quickly thought of some abilities which start weak and grow strong and he quickly came up with them.

he said "well for my first wish i want a shop ability in which I can buy anything with enough money with any kind of limit. the only limit is the price." as he said that he was waiting for the old man to say something but he didn't, with a smile he continued speaking.

"for my second wish, I want a soul world which is connected to my soul and within it, I must be the god and no other being can enter into it and also connect it with the shop ability and make it so that I can also modify that place with enough money and it should also grow in size as my strength grows and for my last and final wish I want a world travel guide which will make sure that I am eligible to travel to certain worlds and will also give out missions to improve myself and world related missions" Nathan spoke all of this within one single breath and even the old man was surprised not because of how fast he spoke but how much potential those wishes have, even from the start they are powerful.

the old man just laughed heartily and said "well you little rascal I thought you will take a long time to choose those wishes but to think you are ready with strong wishes, but before you get too excited I still have to impose some restrictions and few changes" Nathan was happy that the old man was ok with his wishes, but was a little worried about the restrictions. but still, he nodded seriously.

the old man then continued by saying "well for your first wish i will grant you the shop ability but you cant use real money or the curency of the world you are in you will recive coins which will be called as SP also called a shop points and for your second wish i will give you a world which is just going to be the size of 10 x 10 feet and as you grow strong your world will grow strong on its own and as it grows bit it will be more harder for it to grow but dont worry search the shop you may find things to help you to grow your world and for the final wish you will recive many mission types, in that there is repeating missions like exercising daily or stuff which is small and simple those earn little amount of SP, the second way is called world missions this missions effect many people they may be ten of them or billions of them like for example you are in marvel then you may recive a mission to kill thanos or you may recive a mission to save a shop getting robbed while you are walking down the road you can chose to ignore the quests but i hope you dont reject them couz they will reward heftily for big missions" and the old man stopped and waited for a down pore of questions but didbt get any so he looked at nathan who has stars in his eyes and said "this ismore than enough for me to be happu thankyou old man!!!"

As the old man heard Nathan he smiled softly, about how having this young man around made him feel more better. then he said "well i gave you so much now I will chose for you what world will you be going and don't worry it will not be something like Warhammer 40K , and you will also receive side missions in other worlds, the time in your world will stop and you will be sent to the mission world and after you complete the mission then only you can come back to your present world and you will have an AI to guide you but it doesn't have feelings so unless you ask it something it will not tell you but it may gain sentience afterwards but that is for later"

nathan was having a hard time to prosses all of this information and after processing it he asked "what will my power be, I know I have control of void energy but what will it do" the old man smiled and said "that is the specialty of void energy it adapts there is a reason why it is considered as the strongest energy types that only the Omni-rulers can control it, it will be inside your body and you can coat it on your body or you can absorb it from the space or you can use instead of mana or magic even the chi in cultivation can be replaced with void energy you only need to know what you want to do and how. void energy is like electricity you can power a small toy or a car or a rocket anything but you should just know how it is done, and to figure out how it is done is your problem and be quick, how you want to be reborn transmigration or reincarnation"

nathan was a bit slow to react and said "eh reincarnation..." and as soon as he said it he understood what the old man asked and what he said quickly he turned to the old man who was smiling evilly and bought his fingers together to snap them, as soon as he snapped his fingers, a portal opened beneath Nathan, as Nathan fell he shouted I will get to you old man" ad then the portal closed.

then the old man laughed heartily and said "well young Nathan you sure were fun and I hope you grow strong and reach my level quickly then I will have some peace of mind" after saying that the old man just vanished from that place and the table and chairs also vanished, all the animals around the area slowly woke up and started going back to their homes