Ch 7 a small time skip and daily life


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This is my P_A_T_R_E_O_N link and if it is not your cup of tea but me a coffee.

guys as you know I am trying to write my Owen fanfiction which name is "Unexpected Travel Into The Multiverse", I am not the best writer but I am doing my best and I also need you guys to help with it. you guys just try to give me ideas and find my mistakes I will do my best. in a way you can say you are going to be co-authors.

hey also join the discord so we can directly communicate and you guys can give me ideas


well just like that it has been 1 year since I came into this new world at the start it was really troubling to adjust to the new environment I mean having everything taken care of you was a bit new to me because in my old life we were just a middle-class family so we had to learn to do around stuff from a young age. it wasn't that bad, but compared to this it was totally different.

During the first 6 months here I had received so much humiliation that in the future if someone finds out, I will be a laughing stock for everyone. Alfred, that old man didn't let go of a single chance to capture the embarrassing photos, he has collected more than a few thousand photos and videos of me in embarrassing situations, like peeing myself in bed which was much more shameful than it sounds, potty in my diapers, me sleeping with my thumb in my mouth, having my butt raised in the air, me picking my nose, etc everything your name it something humiliating and he has a photo of that.

I am pretty sure he has used his powers to capture all of those and I can't even do anything to that old man, another worst part was my mother, don't get me wrong I love her but when she and Alfred teamed up it was hard.

The only other person who at least had a chance to support me was my dad but the only time he try to help me the thing he received back was a month on the sofa, not even in the guest bedroom. poor guy mum even had Alfred check on him every hour to make sure he was on the couch.

after that, I didn't receive any help from my own dad and after that family betrayal it was pretty tough, another stab in the wound was my mother and Alfred getting me into girls' clothes and taking my pictures. Alfred did it because it was fun for him and he was getting a lot of my pictures and my mother did it because she thought I look cute.

I swear he was having a grin on his face for a whole month after that and that smug smile whenever he sees me, admit!!. if my body supported I would have kicked him in the balls, he is a littral God so no worries about losing his family Jewels.

other than my embarrassing lifestyle my body started to grow and even though I am just 1 year old at the moment I look a bit older like one and half-year-old baby or 2 year old baby.

because of that my mother was a bit worried but Alfred to care of the situation by saying " some times children grow much faster when they are young and he is as healthy as a normal baby."

so I didn't have to worry about my parents questioning my quick growth. I also asked Alfred why was I growing much faster he said that the void energy inside me was growing with me and it is making sure that my body is strong enough to withstand it's full potential in the future because if my body was weaker then a soon as I activate my powers, the energy which will enter my body would destroy my body within seconds.

that was the reason why the old man was trying to reincarnate me. because if I had chosen transmigration it would have been much hard for me to learn the void energy and my body would not be able to take the power surge.

I was a bit angry at the old man because playing me like that was irritating but the old man apologized that he didn't know how I would react and he thought I may causing some problems so that's why he did it.

and when it comes to my training the last year I have done nothing like what can you expect a 1-year-old baby to do like if I do some Saithama thing I think I would give my parents a heart attack so I was not able to do much but one thing I understood from Alfred was that I should train my void energy as soon as possible.

the training method was really simple the first few months I had to focus on controlling the void energy in the air and inside me, it really troubled me, because of its unruly nature but Alfred said that it is like a dangerous pet when you try to interact with it it's really ferocious and would try to kill you but once you get close it would be a loyal friend for eternity.

so even with many problems I started doing it and slowly but surely I was able to get it in control but I still can't use it correctly it's like I have access to a battery which has enough electricity to run the world for 100's of years, but I don't even have a light bulb in my hand to use the battery on it just like me who has a lot of power but doesn't have a way to access it.

but I don't have to worry for now because alfred helping me so at least I have one less of a headache. back to how my power work so after I learned to at least control it at a bare minimum he said I should fill my body full with void energy and after filling it fully slowly release the energy back into the atmosphere, every single drop of it as much as possible.

this exercise helps me because when I stuff as much as void energy into me my body would slowly adapts and increase my body capacity and as I remove the word energy from my body daily it opens up more pathways to exit faster it will help me in future when I am using void energy it would exit my body much faster.

it was pretty hard because to fill my whole body to the bring with word energy it would take me three hours and to remove it takes less than 2 minutes.

it's like working hard on a Puzzle for days and as soon as you completed breaking it again just for practice. it is really irritating but from what I know I'll for sir this is the best method for now in the future I will receive more techniques to do it.

and when you come to my daily life it's been really boring I mean it's fun because I have everything available to me like whenever I potty or pee someone would take care of it but it feels really weird in my past life my family was just a middle-class family so we have to do everything even with parents working hard.

but now everyone is taking care of me and it's a totally different feel but I have no problem adjusting to that when it comes to my social circle they are not a lot of people if you take out my family and the maids and servants in the house I may have 2 friends and one of them is like 15 or 16 year old Tony stark so you know it's pretty hard to be with that guy.

the other and only good friend I have is hope I didn't know that at the moment but when Alfred was showing me my new future hide out my mother and her mother made it decision that we would be having some small play dates even though she was older than me by 5 years she was really fun to play with and she didn't cosmetic and a problem and even to care of me whenever others are busy doing their work she gives me a good friend or a big sister, so I am also really close to her too.

when it comes to my parents they are really good people who take care of me and really love me at first it was difficult to forget my old parents or consider these new people as my parents because I really wanted to consider them as my parents but I felt I was betraying my previous parents but Alfred saw through my worry and said "young Nathan you are forgetting something no one is asking you to replace your old parents with new ones right?

you could love these new people as your parents and also have love for your old parents it's much better than choosing who you consider as parents or not. your previous parents and your present parents are really good so don't do something to hurt them okay?" Alfred said it with a small smile.

after listening to Alfred's words also felt kind of dumb because I was still thinking that I should only have one pair of parents if you think it was clear what is stopping me from having multiple parents because I already know a God who can literally do anything so I don't think having few more parents should be that problematic.

from then on I started to consider Samantha and John as my parents, and I love every single bit of it I love how Samantha spoils me and how John shows his love for us every Now and then.

today was a simple and normal day Nathan was playing with hope and as their play date came to an end.

Janet came into his room and said "hope it is time to baby, or we will be late for dinner and your dad is cooking today so we should go quickly or he may burn the house down" she said it with a smile, Samantha and hope laughed.

but hope said "I don't want to I want o play with Nathan." with a cute pout, then Janet sided with a sad expression "oh! look what you have done Samantha, you made a lady killer he is not even 2 years but he is separating my daughter from me" she set it in an exaggerated way.

after some more persuasion by the two mothers, hope agreed and as hope and Janet were going, Nathan was watching them with a smile. but suddenly his smile froze, he slowly had a thunderous realization.

he quickly called Alfred in his mind 'hey old man where are you quickly come to my room i have to ask you something really important

answer said that he kept on starting at the door, where hope and her mother went out with a pale expressions and a panicked looks.