Ch 10 explosion of mind with knowledge



remove the é and put a normal e.

This is my P_A_T_R_E_O_N link and if it is not your cup of tea but me a coffee.

guys as you know I am trying to write my Owen fanfiction which is "Unexpected Travel Into The Multiverse", I am not the best writer but I am doing my best and I also need your guys to help me with it. you guys just try to give me ideas and find my mistakes I will do my best. in a way you can say you are going to be co-authors.

hey also join the discord so we can directly communicate and you guys can give me ideas


(previously in Big Bang...sorry wrong show!

previously on unexpected travel

the system continued [and then when the host comes in contact with any kind of energy that energy will start to be generated in your soul world if you go to some cultivation worlds that energy used in those worlds will be added too :)]

nathan's eyebrows shot up he was happy that his wishes were really helpful to him and his mind started to make plans for the soul world, with a stupid grin on his face.

the old man just smiled helplessly and muttered "kids these days.."

[then for your third and final power you asked for.....])

[for your third and final wish you asked for world travel ability?]

nathan gave a small nod, he felt something off and looked at the old man who was looking in different directions.

he understood that he did something wrong with his final wish but can't pinpoint it, he gave up and looked at the screen as if questioning it.

[well first let me explain the world travel function you will receive world tokens mainly through missions that you complete. these tokens are blank ones so you can choose which world you would like to travel to, but sometimes they are already chosen and you can't change the world you have to use it or don't use it]

'ok thanks for explaining about my wishes system, but why do I feel something is fishy' asked Nathan while narrowing his eyes, he gave a glare to the old man who was trying to control his laughter.

As Nathan was waiting for an answer the system asked Oldman

[father, should I tell him]

Nathans raised his eyebrows and looked towards the old man who was looking towards the walls and his anger increased, he didn't like when people hide things from him and that too anything related to his life get on his nerves.

Alfred who saw Nathans's face quickly acted like something was stuck in his throat "cough...cough...cough"

After watching the acting of Alfred, Nathan ignored it and focused on the system screen he then asked "system tell me what was my mistake with my third wish?"

[well host even if you didn't wish for world travel as your third wish it would have been given to you. because even with much more powerful wishes if you stay in one world you will not even reach 1% of your potential]

nathan who heard it was not happy he thought he did really well with his wishes but he can't believe he wasted a wish for something he may get afterward.

As Alfred saw Nathan changing expression he sighed he knew that something small and insignificant to him may mean the world to someone he himself has learned the hard way.

before Nathan gets too angry Alfred got near the crib as Nathan saw him he felt betrayed and was angry but before he can speak Alfred snapped his finger.

then before Nathan knows he and Alfred were both floating in the void. as Nathan was adjusting to the new environment he noticed he was in his old body.

but before Nathan can misunderstand his intentions, Alfred spoke. "hey kid listen to me for a moment"

"Why so that you can tell some kind of trick on me? aren't you really powerful then why are you playing these tricks on me? I really do not understand?"

"sigh.....kid it is not what you think I gain nothing by standing in your way, but let me tell you something really important" as Alfred said that he saw Nathan's full focus was on him he nodded and said, "Nathan do you know when I first became the successor of the previous omni-god how long it took me to get to my current power level?"

Nathan calmly pondered the question he observed that the old man is sometimes an asshole until now he has been really helpful to him and whenever he spoke about old times he had a spark in his eyes.

"well from what I know you had really good potential so it must have taken you less than a few decades I think," said Nathan with an uncertain expression.

alfred had a soft smile on his face and as he was staring into space like he was remembering his old memories he then turned towards Nathan with the same smile and said "it took me nearly 10 trillion years to reach my current power level"

nathan who heard it had his jaw dropped and his eyes were as wide as saucers, Alfred who saw this laughed at his weird expression it is not a lot of times he can get Nathan this shocked.

"Are you serious or is this also one of your pranks old man?" asked nathan warily.

alfred just raised an eyebrow and said "why would I lie to you, and that about myself I know I don't seem like that but I am very proud of my accomplishments boy" said alfred with half-serious and half-smile on his face.

Nathan quickly apologized "sorry old man I didn't mean it that way"

alfred just laughed.

"and boy you said something that I have really good potential, right"

nathan who heard it nodded his head with a question mark on his face.

Alfred continued "well let me tell you, the potential is important but as your void energy slowly seeps into your soul it will bring it to the highest level and you will have infinite potential so the potential is not really imp[ortant to become an Omni-god."

Nathan was really surprised by this revelation because until now he thought, that the old man choose me because of my potential. but if what he said is true then why was he chosen the old man could have chosen someone who is really good-hearted or someone who has a strong sense of justice.

the old man, who can read Nathan like a book smiled and answered his question " well Nathan you see once you become the Omni-god you in a way will become a machine whose only goal is to maintain the omniverse and nothing else"

nathan didn't like that he may lose his emotions as he was about to speak the old man stopped him by raising his hand.

"wait boy let the elder speak"

nathan just rolled his eyes at him.

the old man continued " well at first you have to work really hard to maintain your emotions because everything happening in the whole omnivores is sent to your brain and when you become omni-god you are no longer a human, we may look like humans but we are not so our instincts start to find the best way to deal with the information dump every second. so it chooses to set aside our emotions temporarily and you will definitely receive them back, but it depends on your will power the fastest was another Omni-god who got his powers under control within 1 trillion years"

Nathan who heard him was surprised and asked: "how was that even possible 1 trillion is a lot but to control himself that quickly?" said with awe expression.

the old man who saw his awed expression thought with a frown 'what he saw me do some really cool stuff but still wouldn't even bat an eye but when he heard about others he worships them' but he just sighs and shakes his head.

"well at that time his daughter was training in a world filled with monsters with her abilities sealed, he loves his daughters dearly but his emotionless state wanted them to grow stronger on their own, so he made some special worlds with some dangerous monsters according to mortal estimations and made them mortals."

Nathan nodded his head in understanding the situation. 'those girls must have been hit hard, with their father's sudden change in attitude'

the old man continued "and as you know with a father who doesn't even let them get even a scratch they were pretty spoiled rotten. but throwing them in the monster world really changed them, even with hie emotional state he made some humans in those worlds to help his daughters later,"

Nathan was thinking that this was really a way to change spoiled bats but it is not the best option.

the old man who went off track quickly realised and hit his hand on his forehead and said "boy! you got me totally off track, we are not here to discuss about spoiled brats"

nathan who heard him just gave him a blank stare and thought 'you were the one who stopped me from speaking and went on a rant Nathan just sighed with exasperation.

tho old man who saw his overacting was about to scold him and was about to say 'that this is not how you behave with elders' But Nathan asked an interesting question.

"well, how are they now?"

the old man just raised an eyebrow and said with a creepy smile "oh! god, my little Nathan has grown. he is already eyeing my friend's daughters who will save them from this fieind" the old man started to weep like Nathan is dead.

Nathan was just dumbfounded by this old man, and soon his eyebrows started to twitch and he got irritated and shouted " WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT!!! I WAS JUST ASKING IF THEY ARE OK OR NOT. AND WHEN DID BECOME YOUR LITTLE NATHAN I AM A GROWN MAN" as Nathan was shouting he was running towards the old man. while making fists and as he got closer. the old man just smiled evilly, he then snapped his finger, and Nathan quickly felt himself shrinking, and before he realise he was back in his baby form. but his momentum remained the same and the old man quickly caught him and said while grinning "see you are my little Nathan, was I wrong?" asked the old man with such innocence that, Nathan was about to lose it again.

but before that happens the old man just snapped his fingers and Nathan was back in his adult form, as Nathan was pressing the changes the old man started to talk with a bit serious voice

"well fun and jokes aside, you understood how we go into an emotionless state when we gain our power, right?"

nathan was surprised by the sudden change in his attitude but he understood that it was a serious situation and he solemnly nodded his head up and down like a scared chicken.

the old man just nodded and said "well you see as I said when in the emotionless state we just do what is best for the growth of our omniverse and for beings like us time is nothing. so, in this state, many Omni-rulers use really unhanded methods to grow in power and grow their omniverse. like if they can increase even a micro percent of their power by killing many universes they will not hesitate for even a second."

nathan was shocked by such a revelation and it took him a bit to process it. but the old man continued with more shocks.

" There are other types of Omni-rulers, they are the main problem because they have been in the emotionless state for far too long, and because of that...