69. (Nice) really? Again?

Walker crept to take a peak that the room. It was a medium sized room there were stone tables against the two walls along with many indents that used to house bodies. However this was not the thing that drew the eye. There was masses of greenish threads all over one corner of the room. Creatures that appeared to be stitched together with this greenish thread. They had spider like bodies but the ghastly part was their bodies were stitched with rotting flesh. White bone like fangs protruded from their mouth. Walker had not seen this kind of creature before and used his skill.

'Corpse spider

A creature that preys on undead mainly zombies. Its body is extremely weak so it traps zombies to use as material to create its own armor. The house and use rotting fluids as poison and also as a main ingredient in their threads. Females can not produce thread and often used skeletons to create tougher armor nicknames as skeletal spiders even though they are the same species'