138. Muscle man

"Laurence I swear for all I do to shock you I think you are trying to shock me more. It's nice to meet you Otis my name is Walker and I'm the leader of the omnipotent party. We are currently escorting the tamers to a few locations in this area." Walker had been the first to quickly recover his wits after seeing Laurence run to the jacked rabbit tribesman.

" oh an escort, how fancy. I am Otis the head warrior of the rabbit tribesman. So Laurence what brings you and your escort our way? There aren't any orcs prowling the plains to hunt in the winter you know." The tamers were well known for hunting orcs in the warmer days of summer. This was due to the high fat content in their meat. Once properly preserved it was very nutritious for tamed beasts which feed on meat primarily.