718. Midnight's Growls

The party had a fairly uneventful day other than the straw snake. They moved through the grasses at a fast pace due to their excitement of being home. Midnight and the fire spirit were testing the limits of the golem so any rocks that came in to view became things for the golem to jump on. Any trees became opponents to dodge around. And any perfectly flat areas became a running track for them. 

The spirits that were with Walker decided to stick close to the party but rush off in to the surrounding area when seeing something interesting. There were a few times he heard them mentioning the odd strange rock or good mana to absorb. It was very impressive watching them all work together to help each other gain more elemental mana. Walker had the feeling that if the staff he was aiming to make didn't end up needed them to combine in to a nature spirit that they would be the ideal team.