1135. Not Worthy

Midnight pulled at Walker's arm. He had sat down looking at the setting sun over the lakes. Somehow he found the sight to be calming even though he had just faced a devious demon. It was just more to the fact that he had pushed himself mentally and physically with stress. "Sorry about that, I hope I didn't make you worry." He gave Midnight a few pats on the head before she relaxed herself. 

"You know, that frost breath surprised me. You never showed off your progress. I thought you had been neglecting your elemental breath attacks training. But here you are freezing entire rooms with ice." The praise made Midnight happy enough to jump a little. She had wanted to train other elemental breath attacks but focused on the one so that she would be able to make more progress. She had fire, decaying breath, and now frost breath. The next goal she had was the wind elemental breath attack that might be able to slice through stone.