1367. Lowly Positions

"Walker, what's that sound?" Su heard a distant noise of air blowing harder than usual. Her words caused Walker and Midnight to look up and behind them. 

"I would say that's Ignus. And what he had in his mouth…a rogue dragon." The sight of a very large deep red fire dragon carrying a defeated rogue dragon was powerful. Enough for Walker to wonder how on purpose this was. "And I would say that he is about to land right here." 

The thundering sound of cracking stone and sizzling lava was all the three could hear for a moment. Ignus came to a crashing landing while dropping the large rogue dragon. "Midnight, that is why you should practice landings. If you do that in Genesis, people will be very unhappy." Midnight responded with a slight growl. She took careful mental notes to avoid landing destructively. 

"An uninvited visit. I hope you have proper gifts to make up for that." Ignus's voice growled out while Walker stood calmly.