1585. Surprise Tour

"Brother!" Walker found himself being nudged in the shoulder by Onyx early in the morning. He had trained with Midnight for the last two days while Rise checked up on them from a distance. It was clear that Rise had made the decision to let them use what she had said. 

If Walker and Midnight needed more guidance, they would have to find Rise. But this was not a bad thing. It made them think more to make their power their own. If they did so, then they had more chances to make sure that they were comfortable using the power in any form. 

"What's gotten you up so early, Onyx?" Walker wasn't sure why his little brother was coming to his room to find him before the sun had risen. 

"I told the king of the deep caves that you and I would tour the start of the trade route today. It's time to go!" Walker was stunned. Onyx had volunteered him to tour the trade route progress before while they prepared to head over the ocean! It seemed a little off.