1656. Face Of Ocean Danger

The look of triumph that Leon had by showing off how easy it was for them to defeat the red tangs quickly changed. He had bolstered their morale but that was not all he had done. In spearing the red tang through he had made things more dangerous. 

Walker had originally seen the blood from the red tang and thought that this was the danger that was making Leon's face scrunch up. But in reality, it was something worse. However, Walker couldn't do anything. He saw that Leon made hand motions to everyone around then Walker was being pointed toward the ships. They were all being ordered to leave the water. 

The sudden change of mood was enough to put Walker in a rush. He quickly pulled at the water elemental mana around him and created ice to block the lowest point of his vision in the water. He wasn't sure if there was a dangerous monster approaching or what. But whatever it was, he would be preparing to do whatever he could.