1702. Bring the others!

The feeling that Neil was a good man was even stronger. Walker had decided this because Neil had made a logical and thought out decision. Faced with the fact that Walker and everyone that had come with him was clearly more powerful than his village, Neil should have been on edge. It made sense. However, Neil had calmed himself and thought properly. 

There were risks, yes, there would always be risks. Yet, Neil saw that Walker and his people could help them immensely. If this meant that they would take on risk, then so be it. Those around him were the people entrusted to him to care for in this project. 

Just because Neil and the others would receive help would not mean that they were tossing aside their citizenship as Rize empire citizens. It was just that they were making a diplomatic choice to ally with them and begin communications for their people. It also meant that they might have a safer and better place to grow.