1797. Storming Sands

"We need to keep moving, the sand storms can somewhat be seen already." Vetus spoke up and everyone snapped to attention. It was clear that she was preparing herself to manipulate the wind and cause the very distant storms to collide. But what everyone saw when they looked in to the distance was not what they expected. 

There were two massive dust clouds that were causing the forward area to appear as nothing but a mix of yellow and white sands. The two sands seemed to create a massive closing wall. The resulting tornado of sand and wind would definitely cause a much larger area to be consumed by a wall of sands. 

Yet, when Walker looked ahead, he and Gil were glancing at one another. The two could see that many of the dunes were shifting and many monsters were reacting to the storms. It wasn't that the monsters before hadn't felt the storm but that they had yet to react to it.