1876. Natures alchemist

"Agora root. Able to remedy the many sap based poisons within our homes. Especially the sickening vines that grow in rotting still water." The green scaled echidna in half serpent half humanoid form was sure that Remey was the most energetic child she had ever seen. 

For Remey to be seen as a child would not be an understatement. The woman echidna was certainly older by at least fifty years. Yet, she saw that Remey had not begun to grasp the flow of nature and how the herbs reacted to that flow. Instead, she identified Remey as a child for missing that. 

For the echidna, grasping nature was a step towards becoming a true adult. Therefore, since Remey did not follow this, along with most of the party, she and they were children in the eyes of the older echidna.