1984. Forest rebirth

Seeing that Gil was moving at a much faster pace than before, made Walker feel a little more at ease. It wasn't that he did not trust that Gil was strong. It was that he had not known to what degree that Gil had grown. 

The entire party has trained with one another and against one another. But with so much going on. With so many different aspects added to their lives. Things had gotten much harder. They had not seen each other's highest skills and abilities lately. 

Just their base stats had gotten much higher than any average human, let alone other races. It was clear that someone like Walker could even rival the dragon elders. If not begin taking down the royal dragons if they had not taken the steps to become proper dominator dragons yet. 

But Gil, he had also grown immensely. His connections to the win mana and the natural mana because of the dagger skills were higher. He was clearly using this to his advantage.