2049. Lost Piece Of History

Both Midnight and Remey were questioning themselves. This ancient ruin of a building couldn't have the second or the feel of a dragon. The statues couldn't be a dragon. They had to be some sort of lizard. They both had to be sensing and smelling some dragon remains from ancient times that were stored here. 

All of this was more plausible. The vampire race had been taken over by a monster of their own making. They couldn't have managed to upkeep any temples. They couldn't have managed to keep any valuable draconic history within. There couldn't be a single bit of evidence that a dragon had even been here. 

"Midnight, that statue head, it looks like a dragon with more spikes than normal." Remey had calmed her heart which was trying to start beating faster yet again. The entire feeling of this ruined temple made her body react as if it was getting closer to something calling out to her.