2086. Right Before

With mana being blocked, Walker felt that he had his senses dampened. But as they moved up the carved stone stairs, they found themselves ducking under mire and more broken stone. So much of this ruin had been taken by time. 

Some of the ruins that the party had been to were covered in ornate murals along every wall. This was blank. If it had ever had some of these murals that most races left behind, they had become dust. This was a rough concept to believe. That this race had once been here so long ago that it couldn't even be remembered. 

No race alive right now, even the ancient races like the vampires, the immortal chasing race, or the angels could recall them. That alone meant that whatever the race was that had been here before the other races and when the ancient monsters were more than at the peak of power, they had also been very powerful.