2090. Flipped

The chaotic monstrosity had been fooled. It made the demon lord's body move to attack the shield directly while Su had already made her move. Compared to the twin shields slammed together and held in by the stone of the ruined temple, she was small. She was not noticeable by comparison. 

Since the chaotic monstrosity was nothing truly intelligent, it was easily baited in to the constant attacking of the shield. Even when the demon lord's body that it was leeching off of knocked over the shield, it did not realize the danger it was in. 

"Su changed at it with a light shield in front of her. It wasn't the act of having a shield that made the light shield appear. It was her will to create a shield with the light mana. It was her skill to control the mana with her mind and body. Therefore, she could make a light shield without needing a shield in her hand. The shield just helped give it a more solid base.