2143. A Unique World

Walker immediately felt embarrassed. But not because of the odd way he had caught the joke with the earth king. Instead, it was because the true earth sage had a name and he had yet it bother to ask it.

"Earth king, this is a young sage that became a member of the origin. He is here from the world to hunt the one that brings dead around with him." The true earth sage spoke calmly and with a friendly tone. He showed a bit more energy too. It made the part feel that there was a darker side to the earth king if they didn't follow proper procedure. Acting accordingly.

The earth was tough, solid. And could easily crush or bury something. Therefore, if one were to think of it this way. Wouldn't it be better to keep the earth as an unmovable foundation rather than a sliding mountain?

"I sensed them. I worried that another had somehow come from the outer planes to the central planes. But it was not from outside. The world has returned to the flow."