2237. Risky Experiments

"So that's where they have been. I thought that they would have been lost somewhere else by now." Gil's words were pretty calm considering he had just run through the city looking for Walker before he had found Onyx and managed to have Omyc help find Walker for him. 

"Then I will leave you to whatever you need help with." It wasn't that Onyx didn't want to help, but he knew if he got dragged in to whatever Walker and Gil ended up doing, he would be caught up for hours. Sometimes he could even be pulled in to a few day's worth of events. It was just how Walker worked. 

"Thanks again." Gil 

Leaping down from the rooftops that Gil had used when moving through the city, he caught the eyes of Walker and mordant. "What brought you here? I thought that you had to scout out the best places to make herb gardens for the forest elf section of Genesis.