2321. Open Sky

The god system users, and now apparently the god class holders, were things that were often thought of as myths. Or just stories. Yet, that theory had been broken when the party had bumped in to the beach with a statue said to be the body of the moon goddess. 

It wasn't entirely proven, but Walker and the rest of the party had known. The system had even referenced it. That the gods and goddesses were real. 

However, being created through mana given by faith and something else? Well, that was a new one. Not unbelievable though. The spirit race was made of mana. Elemental spirits were made of mana. There was a theory that all things had once been mana before changing to become what the world was, and that seemed pretty true right now.

The more that he began to focus on what might create a god or what ways there could have been gods interacting with the world, the more Walker's head hurt.