2379. Flying High

"It's bringing the wind mana around this spot here. Making it almost like a tornado, but then the wind mana is stopped from causing damage to the area and calmed down right away. It doesn't seem to make sense unless you follow the mana and see how it moves other wind mana. But then you have the potential for the earth-"

"Don't go making this a lesson please." The man who spoke was not trying to be rude, he was holding the hand of a little girl which struck Walker as odd. When Walker looked at the little girl's face, he saw her smile drifting in to boredom. 

From what it appeared, this was just like any child who had something wondrous and magical made in to a lesson. Most would not be as enthused as they had even before they knew how it worked. The man who had spoken was just keeping the wonder in the world.