2404. Nature Viewing

"I feel like there's too much going on in my head right now." Walker was sitting behind the Genesis building keeping an eye on Gil. he didn't want to risk the fact that Gil was not a mage and was channeling the manas through him. 

While Gil could manipulate the manas because he could make them in to arrows and whatnot, it was still something that was outside of his normal comfort zone. It was a risky task when it came to the amount of mana that his body needed to handle to be able to ensure that the tree of unity's roots grew properly and were not damaged. 

While this seemed to be something that many people would overlook, it was an important aspect of this entire process. The roots were uniting every single elemental tree which meant that if they were damaged in any way, the balance could be broken. 

That meant that the natural mana would not be completed and given to the entirety of Genesis and the outside territories.