2408. Double Processing

Time was fine. As long as Remey had time and the multiple sets of herbs she had grabbed she knew she could achieve a successful potion. The only issue was how viable was it with the herbs she had grabbed would the trial take this in to account? 

She had to be successful, or at least it seemed she had to be able to secure the win for this trial. 

'The second trial. Enter the alchemy lab and begin proving your strength as an alchemist. Show the potion you desire to create. The time limit is one month.'

The second trial was somewhat open to interpretation. She just had to show the potion she desired to create, not necessarily succeed?

"Shut up and focus!" Remey slammed her fists down and snapped herself out of that thought. She had to succeed because it would be making a new record and proof for the other alchemists. They would have even better goals they could strive for. Goals that would be immortalized in these trials too.