Midnight swam through the water by using her tail to whip side to side increasing her swimming speed. It was an impressive example of how she was able to handle many terrains with her natural dragon instincts because Walker, nor anyone, had ever taught her how to swim like this. Yet from the first time the party went under the water, she was able to do this.
The two frozen hermits were fearful as soon as they sensed that midnight was not just moving past them like some other predators within the large river would. Instead, she was heading right for them.
Their ice covered claws did nothing to deter her and Midnight easily swatted them away by adding some water mana to her own claws and swiping at the two. Walker didn't wait for her to finish the small fight and bring him the two bodies for him to bring back to Genesis as examples of aggressive monsters they would face within the river. Instead, he focused on the rocks.