“Jess relax. You have kids around plus your pregnant.” I said trying to calm her down. Sam quickly sprinted into the kitchen with the phone, face pale and filled with fright. "Is the baby okay? Do we need to get to the hospital?" He rumbled. “Okay deep breaths I’ll get the towels and bucket. I’ll get rid-“
“Shut it!” Jess snapped. “We are all fine.” She said with a grumpy look.
“Are you sure?” he asked as he fell to his knees. Pressing her stomach on different sides.
“Knock it off Samuel, she’s going to kick.” She groaned.
“That’s fine that means she’s okay,” Sam said then he did something unheard of, he knocked on her stomach. Literally knocked.
“Crawford, can you hear me? I know you in there. I can’t come in and you definitely can’t come out now. Just knockback.” He said to her tummy. Right then we saw the kick and Samuel had a full-blown smile. I couldn’t help it. I laughed. Not even a little, a full-blown laugh.
He was turning red by the time I cooled off.
"My gosh man, you’re so cute!" I said as I laughed again.
"Rose Lena Davis! Stop that!" Jess commanded.
I stopped instantly. It ain't cool when your full name being thrown out like that. I growled and she snickered. Then it hit me at that moment, I was bringing trouble into her life, she didn’t deserve this. Here she was with a family and a child on the way. I, on the other hand, no lover or job or family, nothing. What if she got killed? Who would take care of their kids? Sam?
"Shit! I’m sorry Lena...didn’t mean to call your full name like that." She cooed while rubbing my shoulders as I sobbed.
"N-o its not th-at. I'm so sorry for br-in-ging trouble in-to you-r life. What have I done?" crying even harder.
"Lena. I always told you I'm here for you. I can protect you." She said pulling me into a tight hug.
"I should've died. I'm turning into a killer! Jess!"
"Not by choice but probably by fate." She whispered. I stared up at her as if she had lost her mind. That was Ludacris.
“Think about it, everything happens for a reason.” She said as she wiped my tears. “Sharp objects have always felt like learning a second language.” She reasoned.
“Then maybe I was meant to be a butcher,” I said as I rolled my eyes, pulling away from her hold.
“No idiot, good to know you have a sense of humor. Just think about it. your speed and agility. The way you always knew how to defend yourself even when it got tough.” She said, my head was playing games with me because right now I was thinking that maybe she was right. I was always a quick learner when it came to weapons and physical practice. Maybe I was made for this but why?
Or maybe just a butcher-ess, is there such a word.
"I need to call my friends, they can help. There's a room upstairs for you. Sam took your stuff upstairs, he'll show you the room." She kisses my forehead and goes to make the call. Sam gestures at me to follow and silently we walk. Stopping at the second door, he opens and steps back allowing me to enter first.
"I...met Jess about five years back and she was a damn killer. A bitch in fact. She was cold and mean. Almost killed me four times. She started warming up to me as soon as she realized, I wasn’t leaving. After a while, I asked her to marry me and she agreed." He said face blank. "She was reluctant but when she got pregnant, she was cautious and so blissful. When Jacob was born she was such in fact is, a wonderful mom. She speaks about you so much, I see you and see how you give her joy. I’m willing to protect you and her. That’s what family does." He walked towards me and kissed my cheek.
"We got you and don’t you ever doubt it." He whispered then he walked out.
We got you...