C13 Vacuuming & Sorting Memories

(A/N: Want to read ahead of what I've posted so far? Go to my patreòn and get early access chapters.

As of this chapter, the patreòn is 2 chapters ahead at chapter 17. I'll probably be writing and posting at least 2 more chapters tonight.


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Thanks for the Power Stones. I'm too lazy for anything today. Enjoy the chapter!)

In a beautiful grassy plain, an 11-year-old boy with black hair and bright red eyes could be seen wielding a vacuum cleaner. He has the hose aimed upwards as it sucks in the floating orbs that can be seen scattered everywhere. He's been absorbing memories for about an hour now and it's about time to sleep. Almost a quarter of his memories have been absorbed already. Tom turns off the poltergeist 5000 and checks out his handy work. What is said in the book to take months will definitely be finished by tomorrow. With a bit of imagination, the collection of memories has been quite easy.

As Tom was wondering how to leave his inner world, he awakens from his meditation in his room at the orphanage.

'I guess that I just had to think of leaving and I can leave my inner world.' Tom thought as he starts to feel mentally exhausted.

The book said that this could happen depending on how much you get done in the inner world. Tom just cleaned up a very large amount of his memories within the shorty span of an hour. That would tire anyone's mental capacity, let alone Tom who's only 11 years old. Tom didn't even try to stay up and sinks into bed to get a good night's sleep.

The next morning, Mimsy woke up Tom at 3 am as usual, but Tom's body demanded more rest after last night's tiring mental work. Tom ended up listening to his body and going back to sleep until the sun peeked into the room and woke him yet again. This time he felt a lot more refreshed and ready for the day. He was still a bit mentally tired but he can't waste any more time.

Tom had a bit of time before the Matron would usually come to check on him and bring up his slop. He spent that time in the inner world using the poltergeist 5000 to suck up another 25% of his memories. Only half remain to be collected now. After an hour of work inside the inner world, Tom left as he could hear the Matron calling him. As he opens his eyes, he feels that mental exhaustion again. The Matron is by his bedside and hands him his breakfast. She has already grown used to Tom's weird ritual of what he calls 'clearing his mind'. After asking about his health, the Matron leaves to tend to the other children.

Tom feels far too tired to go in and do anything in his inner world, so he takes a break and eats a delicious breakfast that Mimsy stole for him. The disgusting slop that the Matron brought was taken care of by Mimsy's elf magic. Once Tom finished eating, he decided to take a small nap. This way he will have some energy to go back into the inner world and get to work again.

Tom didn't wake up until late into the evening. The Matron came to bring him his lunch but saw him sleeping peacefully and left him alone. The Matron brought him dinner and left him to his own devices as usual. Tom then swore to himself that he would push himself to finish collecting the orbs before bed. This way it would be finished and he could sleep in tomorrow because he'll definitely be worn out after this.

He goes in and spends the next two hours just sucking up orbs. Once he finished he knew he would probably pass out the second he left the inner world. Before leaving, he looked around at the open plain that is no longer clouded in memory orbs. He felt like he just cleaned his house and it's finally finished. Everything is cleaned and nice. It's truly a good feeling.

The second he left the inner world, he didn't have much time to think, as he fell back and passed out into a deep sleep. Mimsy was already instructed to let him sleep until sunrise again. When that time came Tom couldn't didn't wake up on his own. Mimsy had to wake him up, and he awoke with a huge headache. The throbbing in his head was extremely annoying and painful. Mimsy popped away and picked up a pain relief potion she bought from the apothecary in Diagon Alley. The potion worked like a miracle and Tom's pain vanished almost instantly.

'I love magic.' Tom thought as he goes through his usual morning ritual.

After dealing with the Matron and eating breakfast, Tom goes straight back into the inner world. He now has a vacuum filled with memory orbs that need to be organized. This isn't a step in the book, but it's a step that Tom decided to take. In many fan-fictions he's read, the main character organized their minds and they gained total recall. The ability to remember nearly every event of their lives in extreme detail. Tom wanted to test this and see if it worked. Even if it doesn't work, organized memories can't possibly be a bad thing.

Tom takes a minute to come up with a game plan and finally decided on how he will organize his mind. He imagines a top of the line laptop from 2020 and a USB cable that can go from the poltergeist 5000 to the laptop. He then plugs the vacuum into the computer and hopes his plan works. Pressing the power button in the computer, it boots up and Tom logs on and creates a password to log on. Once he's logged into the laptop, he finds the poltergeist 5000 in the devices section and double clicks it.

A folder filled with names of his memories along with dates and the amount of space they occupy appears. Tom creates a folder on the laptop called 'my memories' and moves everything from the vacuum to that folder. He made sure to cut and paste so nothing is left on the vacuum itself. After moving the files, he wills the vacuum out of existence and it disappears. He then sorts the memory folder by date and boom he's done. Perfectly organized memories finished in a single trip to the inner world.

Tom didn't feel any different at the moment. No perfect memory, eidetic memory, or anything like that. Tom decided to see if anything would change once he's outside the inner world, so he willed himself out and woke up from his meditation. The second he opened his eyes, Tom's eyes rolled back and he fainted instantly.