C37 Laying Down the Law (3)

*BONUS CHAPTER!! Get me to number one on the ranking!*

(A/N: Want to read ahead of what I've posted so far? Go to my patreòn and get early access chapters.

As of this chapter, the patreòn is 14 chapters ahead at chapter 51. Didn't do any chapters last night because I had to wake up early today. I'll be writing and posting at least 2 chapters tonight though.


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Thanks for the Power Stones and enjoy the chapter!)

Soon the challengers sent the first duelist forward. Of course, it's a seventh year that is said to be a fairly good duelist.

"Alright, everyone back up about 20 feet and don't stand behind either of us. We wouldn't want a stray spell hitting any of you, would we?" As Tom says this everyone scrambled to get in a safe position. "Good, now let's draw some boundaries." Tom points his wand to the ground about 15 feet away and calls. "Incendio."

Fire shoots out of his wand and sticks to the floor as he creates a circle of fire enclosing the two duelists.

"Stepping foot outside the circle will constitute as an immediate loss. Getting your wand knocked out of your hand, being knocked unconscious, or simply giving up will also constitute a loss. The match will start when this galleon hits the ground." Tom says as he fishes a shiny gold piece from his pocket. "Are you ready?"

Tom simply received a nod as a reply and threw the coin into the air. As the coin flew through the air and hit the ground, the seventh year jumped into action.

"Incarcerous, Confringo!" he calls two different spells one after the other, as lightning flies from his wand.

Tom dodges the first binding spell and calls up a shield for the incoming blasting curse.

"Protego, Confringo, Serpensortia!" Tom blocks the spell and immediately reply's with his own.

A blasting curse flies from Tom's wand and nearly misses the 7th year as he steps out of the way. Tom calls his last spell and a snake comes sailing out of his wand and lands on the seventh year's neck. The snake constricts around his neck and bares its fangs at the student.

"~If he even thinks of moving, bite him and squeeze until he drops~" Tom hisses at the snake and it eagerly complies. "I've told that snake around your neck to bite you and squeeze if you even think of moving."

As Tom says this the seventh year stops and freezes in place. His wand clutched in his hand tightly as he tries to think of how to get out of this situation.

"Before you get any funny ideas, let me tell you what type of snake you have around your neck at this very moment. That is a king cobra and they are the longest venomous snake in the world. Its bite delivers a tremendous amount of paralysis-inducing neurotoxins. The snake's venom is so strong and so voluminous that it can kill an elephant in just a few hours." As Tom informs the boy, he starts shaking with fright.

"A-a-alright... I concede. P-please, get this thing off of me." He stutters as the snake eyes him as if he were its dinner.

"That's good. We wouldn't want you to die during the duel, after all." Tom says with a small smile as he turns his attention to the snake. "~Thanks for the help. You may leave now~ Evanesca!"

Tom calls the snake vanishing spell and the king cobra disappears. The second the snake left the boy's neck, he collapsed on the ground in utter defeat.

"You may swear your oath now." Tom says to the boy that just collapsed on the floor.

After gathering himself, the seventh year said the same oath as everyone else and took his place among Tom's new group.

"Next!" Tom calls and another challenger enters the ring of Fire.

This continued until Tom has beaten every single one of the twenty that challenged him in the first place. On the outside, Tom was keeping it together and playing everything off like it was nothing, but on the inside, Tom is dreadfully tired. He's used almost all of his magic within these twenty back to back duels and would love to just go to sleep right now. That can't happen though, as he has to put up a strong front for these purebloods. If they see him weakened, they will pounce like waiting predators.

"Does anyone else wish to challenge me!?" Tom calls to the remaining students.

The students remain quiet, as they just witnessed something amazing. Tom, as a third-year student, just dismantled every seventh-year student that challenged him. Not only were they seventh years, but they were also all well known for being good in duels. Tom just made them look like children and did so one after the other.

In the hearts and minds of these people, Tom is unbeatable and they would gladly serve someone this skilled. Not to mention, he's the heir to the most respected pureblood wizard to ever live. Some still didn't want to serve Tom, but what can they do about it? They can't just challenge him, as they aren't nearly as strong as the students that just lost. How could they ever stand a chance?

"I will take your silence as your answer. Seeing as none of you wish to challenge me, form a line and start swearing your oaths." Tom orders and they move almost without meaning to.

A line is formed and one by one the students swear their loyalty to Tom as their Lord. From second year to seventh year, every single one of them swore the oath. This includes every member of the inbred faction. Although, they didn't hate Tom anymore. They all looked at him as if he were a god. A god that just showed how powerful he was for all to see. Even Lestrange, who was just tortured by Tom only moments ago, is looking at him in awe and wonder. Although they are obviously crazy, Tom won't try to correct their behavior. It's best to have the crazies on a tight leash.

As the last of the students swore their oaths, Druella moves before Tom and goes to swear herself as well.

"Stop Drue. What are you doing?" Tom says as he stops Druella from kneeling.

"I'm swearing myself to the new Lord of Slytherin, of course." She said as if it was the simplest thing in the world.

"No, you aren't. You're my friend therefore you don't have to do anything." Tom says with a smile.

"No, I have to. I know there are some things you're hiding from me. You don't trust me fully, and that's fine. I don't trust anyone completely, but if I give this oath, I'll be bound by it to stay loyal to you. You can trust me completely after that, right?"

Tom frowned at this. She is correct that he is hiding things from her. From the ROR to Kamar-Taj, he's been hiding a few things here and there. When he thought about it, he concluded that yes he doesn't fully trust her. It was a dreadfully sad realization, as he is truly grateful to her for sticking by him, but he just found it hard to trust her fully.

"You're right." Tom admits and she gets on one knee as everyone else did.

"I, Druella Mary Rosier, swear loyalty to my Lord, Thomas Marvolo Riddle. As his servant and friend, I will act as his sword, wand, and shield when need, provide counsel whenever I wish, and keep his secrets even in death. I swear this oath on my life, should I knowingly break it." She says with a smile on her face.

She never thought that any of this would happen. She thought that they would trudge their way through Hogwarts while dealing with bullies and other annoyances. Never would she have imagined that Tom would lead the house, nor did she believe that he would bring it under his control in a single night. She truly made the right choice the day she chose to forsake her reputation for friendship.

"I accept your oath, Drue. Thank you."