C89 Tom! Tom! Tom!


(A/N: Want to read ahead of what I've posted so far? Go to my patreòn and get early access chapters.

As of this chapter, the patreòn is 15 chapters ahead at chapter 105. Didn't write last night because it was my day off. I'll be writing and posting at least 2 chapters tonight though.


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Thanks for the Power Stones and enjoy the chapter!)

While Tom was having a touching reunion with his ghostly mother, Captain America and the Howling Commandos received an important mission.

They received information on the location of Dr. Arnim Zola the lead scientist of Hydra. The second the Allied forces got the info, they called in the Captain and his merry men.

On a snow-covered mountain, the Howling Commandos prepare to zipline onto a moving train.

"Remember when I made you ride the Cyclone at Coney Island?" Bucky asks Steve as they wait for the train to move into place.

"Yeah, I threw up, didn't I?" Captain replies as he remembers the horrible experience.

"This isn't payback, is it?" Bucky questions with a quirked eyebrow.

"Now why would I do that?" Steve asks with a smirk on his face.

As the train gets into position, one by one the howling commandos zip line down. After a scenic ride down the line, they land perfectly on the high-speed train.

Entering the train, the Commandos start sweeping every boxcar. As they search, the enemy has already noticed their arrival. Cameras in each car have picked up on the intruders.

"Stop them! Kill them all!" Zola rants as he watches the cameras.

Every Hydra agent becomes alert and moves to intercept the Commandos.

A battle breaks out on the train and Zola could do nothing but watch as his soldiers were decimated one by one.

Seeing that he would lose, Zola remembers something his new boss gave him. Fishing through his briefcase, Zola pulled out a stick and broke it in half.

Zola then looked around the room as if waiting for something to happen. When he saw nothing, he cursed himself for believing what he was told.

Suddenly, a group of people dressed in wizarding robes appeared in the room. Zola looked shocked at the act of teleportation before his very eyes.

The second the robed men and woman appeared, they took out some sticks and began surveying the area.

"What happened?" One of the stick-wielding people asked.

"Um... did you just teleport into a moving train?" Zola asked as the scientist inside him couldn't be held at bay.

"Sure, now what happened?" The wizard says not knowing what teleportation is.

"Captain America and his men have boarded the train. We're losing..." Zola says hoping these robed teleporters could get him out of here.

"I see, we'll deal with it. The boss wants Captain America dead anyway." He replies and they leave the train car to search for the intruders.

While the Captain and his men were working their way up the train, they decimated any Hydra soldiers that got in the way. From car to car they moved swiftly and cleared every single one. Leaving nothing but a trail of bodies in their wake.

When they were halfway through the train, something unexpected happened. Steve saw a group of people wielding the same sticks as Tom and Drue.

As soon as he saw them, he knew they were in trouble. Then one of the stick-wielding people said something that sounded like 'abracadabra' and a green light hit one of his soldiers.

The soldier simply fell to the floor dead as soon as the light hit him. Steve knew this mission was over the second the magicians arrived.

"Get to cover and return fire! Those that can retreat move to the previous train car!" Steve said as he and his men take cover behind crates scattered around the car.

The Howling Commandos start firing upon the wizards, but they say another word and invisible shields appear to block the bullets.

As the image of one of his soldiers dying so easily swirled in Steve's mind, he remembers what Tom told him at their last meeting.

"If you ever need my help again, say my name out loud. I'll arrive whenever I'm not too busy." Tom told him and Steve hoped to god that his magician friend wasn't busy.

"Tom!" Steve called out and one of his men replies.

"Yes, Sir!?" He yells a reply and awaits orders.

"Not you! Tom!" Steve replies and yells Tom's name yet again.

"But I'm the only Tom in the unit..." The soldier mutters and goes back to firing on the stick wavers.

Spells and bullets fly through the train as the two sides engage one another.

"Tom!" Steve keeps yelling as another of his men falls to the ground dead.

The battle continues and none of the wizards have taken a single injury since the beginning of the battle.

The opposite could be said for the Howling Commandos. They've lost four men so far and with every man lost Captain America is becoming louder. Never has the Howling Commandos lost so many soldiers in a single battle.

"TOM!" Steve gives one final shout before giving up.


"Sorry, am I late?" A man wearing a porcelain white mask appears holding a bone-white wand in his hand.

This is obviously Tom.

As he arrives, others follow behind him. Men and women in similar masks appear and all of them were holding sticks as well.

"Protego!" A few of the newly arrived reinforcements shout and invisible shields divided the car in half.

Tom gets to work instantly and transfigured the cargo into better cover for the Commandos and his followers as well. The killing curse has no spell that could block it after all.

When the Wizards saw other of their kind come to the rescue of muggles, they were truly shocked and appalled.

"Who dares stand against Grindelwald and his dream!" One of the robed wizards yelled as the fighting stopped.

"Fuck Grindelwald and his dream!" Tom laughs and every one of his followers joins in.

'Who the hell is Grindelwald?' Steve thought in confusion.