C141 Snake Meets Mother


(A/N: Want to read ahead of what I've posted so far? Go to my patreòn and get early access chapters.

As of this chapter, the patreòn is 15 chapters ahead at chapter 156. I'll be writing and posting at least 2 chapters tonight.


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Thanks for the Power Stones and enjoy the chapter!)

"Tom!" The Ancient One calls out to him as he slammed into the floor.

As she arrived by his side, she saw that he is completely knocked out. With a wave of her hand, golden eldritch runes surrounded his body to analyze his condition.

After a few seconds, the Ancient One let out a relieved sigh. Nothing is wrong with him other than exhaustion from the ritual, which is normal, and a few very small bruises from hitting the floor.

Once she saw that he was alright, The Ancient One levitated Tom from the ground and brought him out of the room.


After cleaning the blood from his body and changing his clothes, The Ancient One deposited Tom in his bed and watched over him while he slept.

The earlier analysis may have come back good, but she was far too worried for him to leave now. At least not until he wakes up.

Days pass and the Ancient One doesn't leave Toms side for a single second. She turned his room into her office for dealing with anything Kamar-Taj related.

Although Tom hasn't woken yet, that doesn't mean that there's anything wrong with him. This was a very likely outcome of such a powerful and advanced ritual.

After three days of waiting for Tom to wake up, the Ancient One was starting to get antsy. She knew this was bound to happen but it's been three whole days of just sleeping.

On the night of the third day, the eyes of Toms snake totem necklace started glowing brightly.

When it happened, the Ancient One was doing paperwork, occasionally peeking over at her son. Every time she would look over, Tom would still be there with his eyes closed and a peaceful expression on his sleeping face.

Then out of nowhere the room lit up and she saw his necklace glowing. Toms once peacefully sleeping face twists into a more serious one. Looking closely she could see that it was the snake god Manasa getting into contact with Tom.

'Probably a dream again.' She thought as she stood from Tom's desk and moved to sit at his bedside.

Due to her worry for her son, the Ancient One decided it was time to introduce herself to Manasa.

With a resolute expression on her face, the Ancient One reaches over and grasps the snake totem hanging around Tom's neck. Pushing her consciousness into the totem, the Ancient One's vision clouds as she appears on a sunny beach.

"I did not call you here, Granny Sorcerous." A voice says from behind her.

"I invited myself over for a quick chat. I thought I should introduce myself." The Ancient One says as she turns to see Manasa in her giant snake form.

"I already know who you are, Ancient One." Manasa says in a deep and rumbling voice. "If you want to see Tom, he'll arrive in a few minutes."

"I'll see Tom sooner or later. I just wanted to speak to you for a moment." The Ancient One stares unwaveringly into Manasa's giant snake eyes.

"Well, you're here so ask away. Just be quick, will you? I have no interest in you. If you weren't Toms 'mother', I would have eaten you for daring to enter my domain uninvited." Manasa says threateningly.

In the face of this giant snake god threatening her, the Ancient One doesn't bat an eye as she just stares into the snake's eyes. That unwavering stare made even the snake god Manasa feel a small tinge of fear.

"Then I'll be brief. I don't know you and I don't care to know you. If you hurt my son or somehow get him hurt or killed, I will come here and skin you alive before putting you out of your misery. I've encountered countless little gods like you over the years. Every one of them is either dead or sealed in very uncomfortable places for the rest of eternity. Do I make myself clear?" The Ancient One speaks calmly, but an unyielding presence can be felt.

Giant snake Manasa stares back into the Ancient Ones eyes as she spoke every word. Manasa could feel a pressure radiating off the Ancient One that made even a god like her feel weak in comparison.

"I said, do I make myself clear?" The Ancient one restates her previous question.

The pressure from the bald sorcerous seems to double at her question. The staring contest continues until it's broken by the giant snake.

"Yes, you have." Manasa grounds out as she breaks eye contact with the Ancient One.

Manasa could feel that she lost this encounter. The second she looked away, the Ancient One won.

It's not like Manasa could attack her avatar's mother. Well, she could but Tom would be very displeased, to say the least.

What else could she do but agree? It's not like she plans to hurt Tom or get him killed. Manasa doesn't even know what she wants from Tom herself. She just ended up watching his interesting life and became attached.

"Good, as long as you treat Tom nicely and he isn't hurt or killed because of you, we will never have any problems." The Ancient one smiles in a friendly manner as if she didn't just threaten the giant snake before her. "Now, I should be on my way. I expect him to wake up soon." She says pointedly, which actually meant 'make sure he wakes up or else'.

Before Manasa could reply, the Ancient One disappears from the sandy beach. Without her noticing, Manasa let out a relieved sigh at the sorceresses disappearance.

The second the Ancient One disappeared, Tom appeared on the sandy beach for the third time.

"Huh? I'm here again?" Tom says as he spots Manasa in her giant snake form. "No Lamia today?"