C151 Easy Work Part 1

*Sad day :(*

(A/N: Want to read ahead of what I've posted so far? Go to my patreòn and get early access chapters.

As of this chapter, the patreòn is 17 chapters ahead at chapter 168. I'll be writing and posting at least 2 chapters tonight.


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Thanks for the Power Stones and enjoy the chapter!)

"I would be delighted to, Master." Lady Death stands from her throne and strolls over to Tom's side. "Do you want me to take us there now?"

"Yeah, I want that pest gone as soon as possible." Tom nods as she grabs his arm and they disappear from the throne room.


In an open plane of shadows as far as the eye could see, Tom and Lady Death appear floating in the empty void of shadows.

"Should we just wait for him to sense us or?" Tom asks as he isn't sure how to gain Knulls attention.

"Hmm, I'm hiding my aura from him at the moment. If he senses me here, he'll run and abandon this dimension for good. I could order him to appear, but once again he would run and hide." Lady Death explains.

Hearing this, Tom decided to not reveal Lady Deaths' presence. He doesn't want Knull to escape and come back for revenge later on.

Tom may have Death at his beck and call, but she can't protect him every second of his entire life, or maybe she could, who knows.

Thinking of a way to lure out the God of Symbiotes, Tom remembered his currently bound Animagus form.

It was bound in the first place because of the connection it held with the shadow dimension, which in turn is connected to Knull himself.

'Unbinding my Animagus form should draw him out.' Tom thought.

Now, the problem is how is he going to unbind it? The Ancient One was the one to tie it up and those binds are something Tom doesn't know how to remove.

"Death?" Tom calls to her.

"Yes, Master?" She replies.

"Can you remove the binds on my Animagus form?" Tom asks and she looks him over for a moment and waves her hand.

Suddenly, Tom could feel as if a part of him appeared out of nowhere. It felt as if a hidden part of his soul had just made itself known to him again.

A bright smile appeared on Tom's face as he felt whole for the first time in a while.

Without wasting a single second, Tom morphed into a grey snake with a black underbelly and bright red eyes.

Turning into his snake form, Tom felt as though he was at home in the endless shadow dimension.

Floating around, Tom circled Lady death as he swam through the air. He felt truly at peace in the shadows and could almost cry at the feeling of being whole again.

"Your snake form is very beautiful, Master." Lady Death comments as Tom revolves around her in joy.

Tom switched back to his human form and felt a disturbance in the shadows around them.

"He's coming." Tom says as the shadows part and Knull in all of his gothic glory steps out.

"Welcome back, insect. I'm glad you decided to return for your horrifying death!" Knull comments haughtily as he smirks evilly in Tom's direction.

"Nah, I came to clear out this dimension. I was thinking of taking it over and redecorating a bit. Maybe move some things around and change the wallpaper." Tom jokes as he doesn't even feel Knulls presence this time.

Last time, Tom was frozen in fear as soon as Knull arrived. This time, Tom has become an avatar and the master of death. His newfound strength and experience has bolstered Tom to a level that can withstand Knulls aura.

Not to mention, Lady Death is by his side now. The personification and entity of death itself is literally at Tom's beck and call. He isn't even a little scared with her in his corner.

Due to Tom's nonchalant attitude, Knull looked surprised for a moment, but that surprised turned into anger and hatred.

Without another word, Knull teleported forward and appeared in front of Tom, reaching out with one hand to grab him by the throat.

"You insignificant little bug..."


Throughout Tom and Knulls entire stare down, Knull failed to notice the other person beside Tom.

Lady death took great offense to this and didn't like how he talked to her master.

The second Knull appeared before her master and had the gall to call him a bug, Lady Death stepped beside Tom and backhanded Knull away.

A sickening crack could be heard as Knulls neck was snapped sideways.

Knull shot backward and flew across the shadow dimension at alarming speeds. As he slowed, Knull cracked his neck back into place and teleported in front of Tom again.

Knulls nostrils were flared as he hatefully glared in Tom and Lady Death's direction.

"Who dares lay their hands on Knull! You f*cking wench! You should be bowing before me and begging forgiveness! You insignificant ant!" Knull started ranting as veins pulsed on his forehead.

"Did this parasite just call me an ant, Master?" Lady Death asks as her aura comes out.

Up until now, she's been hiding her aura so she doesn't scare Knull away, but now that he's here, can he escape death? Nope!

"I think he did." Tom says with an ever-growing smirk forming on his face.

"Huh?!" Knull exclaimed as he felt the growing presence of death radiate from the woman before him.

"It's impressive how a speck of dust such as yourself has the audacity to say such things to death itself!" Lady Death exclaims as she teleports in front of Knull swings her arms upwards.

"What?!" Knull yelled in anger and confusion as his arms separate from his body.

Black blood gushes out as Knulls arms start to decay and turn to dust. Starting with his flesh and ending with his bones. Everything that exited Knulls body turned to dust.

Lady Death wasn't going to leave a single speck of him intact.

"Who!?" Knull yelled as he watches his arm disintegrate into dust.