C158 Ceremony (2)

*F*ck it. Here is another two! You're welcome*

(A/N: Want to read ahead of what I've posted so far? Go to my patreòn and get early access chapters.

As of this chapter, the patreòn is 17 chapters ahead at chapter 176. I'll be writing and posting at least 2 chapters tonight.


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Thanks for the Power Stones and enjoy the chapter!)

As the front doors of the Ministry closed, the sound of the large crowd disappeared completely.

'The ministry must have some sort of sound-canceling spell active.' Tom thought annoyingly as he wanted to hear the Ministers speech. 'How am I supposed to know when she calls me?'

After a moment of thought, Tom decided to just crack the door a bit. As he cracks the door open, Tom hears the deafening cheers of the crowd once again.

Outside the Ministry, everything is decorated for Toms ceremony. At the top of the long stairway leading to the Ministry entrance, stood the Minister at a podium.

She's surrounded by upstanding members of the Ministry along with all sorts of decorations and banners.

To the left of the podium is a table holding a picture frame with purple padding. Attached to the purple padding is a golden medal with an 'M' engraved on the front.

At the bottom of the stairs, gates line the area, blocking the sea of people from moving forward.

"Thank you, Thank you! Quiet down, please!" The Ministers voice carries over the crowd and slowly everyone shuts up. "Thank you! Today we're here to award a man for doing what no other dared to attempt. When a dark Lord appeared and threatened our world's survival, he stood up and fought for every single one of us. Without him, we would still be embroiled in a world filled with war. You all know the man I speak of. Tom Riddle is the most impressive young man to appear in a very long time. I would even go so far as to say he's the second coming of Merlin himself."

As the crowd hears her call Tom the second coming of Merlin, they couldn't help but agree with loud cheers. The area outside the Ministry is engulfed in loud voices, cheering Tom Riddles name.

The Minister gives them a moment to get out their excitement, patiently waiting at the podium. As the crowd starts to simmer down again, Hortensia speaks up once again.

"I won't waste much more of your time! I know many of you only came here to see the man himself, so without further ado, I introduce you all to the man that ended the war and slew the Dark Lord Grindelwald, Order of Merlin, First Class, Tom Riddle!" She announces as the crowd goes wild.

Stepping aside from the podium, the Minister looks back to see the door open. Tom comes walking out in his slim-fit tuxedo.

Though, he didn't come out alone. On his arm is his beautiful fiancé, Druella Rosier, in a tight black dress.

As the crowd sees Tom appear, the cheering becomes even more intense. The majority of the crowd have only ever seen Tom in the paper and came to see the man in the flesh.

As Tom and Druella step up to the podium, the Minister unclasped the medal from the padded frame and moved in Tom's direction.

"Congratulations, Mr. Riddle." The Minister says as she steps in front of Tom and pins the medal on his tuxedo jacket.

As the medal touches his jacket, magical fireworks fly into the sky, showing a cartoon-style duel between two people.

Tom could only assume that's supposed to be him against Grindelwald. The firework duel ends with the light side winning and the crowd truly goes nuts.

"Thank you, Minister." Tom replies as Hortensia moves aside so Tom can get to the podium.

Standing at the Podium with Druella at his side, Tom waits for a minute for the rampaging crowd to calm down.

"Thank you! Please calm down though, or else we'll be here for the rest of the day!" Tom jokes as his voice gets carried over the sea of people thanks to the enchanted podium.

After a few moments, the crowd calms down enough for Tom to speak.

"Many of you know very little of me, so I thought I would spend my acceptance speech telling you about Tom Riddle. I was born and raised in an orphanage in London. Life wasn't immensely hard, but it wasn't easy either. Being born poor isn't fun as food was a scarce commodity, especially during the war." Tom says, his words resonating with the entire crowd.

The war caused food shortages everywhere. Even the magical world had its own shortage. Almost everyone in the crowd experienced hunger during Grindelwald's rampage through the world.

"When I was younger, I always knew I had magic, but I called it my special powers. I thought I was the only one in the world with these abilities. At least until my Hogwarts letter arrived. The wizarding world opened my eyes to bigger things than just levitating toys or changing a bully's hair color. It showed me that not only am I magical, but the world is as well."

"Hogwarts was hard in the beginning. I was shunned by my own house for being the muggle-born Slytherin, but after a few years, I showed my worth and was accepted by my peers. A few years into Hogwarts, I traveled to Gringotts to get a special test done." Tom says and many of the Lords and Ladies listened curiously.

Not many tests can be done at Gringotts by a Hogwarts student. Only one test came to everyone's mind.

"That's right, I went through an inheritance test. I'm sure many of you have gone through one as well. Who knows if you were related to some big-time wizarding family, right?" Tom says and everyone nods. "Since I said I would tell you who Tom Riddle is, I feel I should let out a secret as well."

Tom reaches into his pocket and pulls out one of his three heir rings, placing it on his finger.

"My name is Tom Riddle, heir to the Royal House of Pendragon."