C219 Manasa


(A/N: Want to read ahead of what I've posted so far? Go to my patreòn and get early access chapters.

As of this chapter, the patreòn is 11 chapters ahead at chapter 231. Patreòn schedule is 2 chapters a day, 6 days a week. Friday is my day off.


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"Yeah, hold this for a moment." Tom says and holds out his snake totem necklace for her.

With an excited smile on her face, Druella grasped the snake pendant. She was excited to have something in common with her fiancé. They could speak in parseltongue together and no one but a snake would know anything they said.

Who knew a language made up of hissing at one another could be so romantic...

With the totem tightly held in her hand, its eyes lit up as always, drawing Druella to fall into a meditative slumber.

Thankfully, she was still seated on the floor, so she didn't fall, nor did she tip over as Tom held her in place.


On the same beach that Tom just visited, Druella appeared below a giant snake.

Seeing the behemoth snake looming over her, Druella became nervous and uncertain.

'Didn't Tom say she appeared as a Lamia for him? Is she trying to intimidate me?' Druella thought as she mustered the courage to speak. "Hello, are you Manasa?"

Hearing the small human's voice, the giant snake cranes its neck downward, eyeing Druella up and down.

"Yes, you must be Druella, my avatars mate, right?" A booming and not-so-feminine voice says intimidatingly.

"Correct, is there a reason you're being so... scary?" Druella asks, knowing from Tom's description that she isn't like this with him.

"I'm assessing whether you have what it takes to carry my blessing." Manasa says, still looming over Druella as if she were prey.

"Well... do I pass?" Druella asks with a raised eyebrow.

Although the monster snake before her scares Druella half to death, she knows that Manasa won't hurt her, or at least she thinks she won't.

She's the mate of her Avatar after all. Why anger someone so close to you for no reason?

"Eh, good enough, I guess." Manasa says uncaringly as she shrinks down into the beautiful Lamia that Tom described.

"Wow, Tom said you were good-looking, but I didn't expect you to be so beautiful." Druella says without thought.

"Oh, he says I'm good-looking, does he? Maybe I should seduce him and snatch him away from you?" Manasa says teasingly with a finger on her chin.

Not expecting to hear that, Druella narrows her eyes at the first god, other than Lady Death, she has ever met.

"You could try." Druella says challengingly.

"Don't worry, I will but I don't think it's me you have to worry about..." Manasa says in glee.

She loves messing with people and this is a great moment to stir the pot a bit.

"Huh?" Druella grunts questioningly with a raised eyebrow and crossed arms.

"Well, I've just been watching Tom today through our bond and that woman was being very handsy with him..." Manasa says with a fake look of disapproval.

"What woman? I've been with him all day." Druella asks, not believing a word out of this snake's mouth.

"I might have said too much." Manasa says, covering her mouth dramatically. "It was nice meeting you, Druella. When you wake up, you'll have what Tom asked for. Bye bye~"

Waving her hand goodbye, Manasa smirks and sends Druella out.

"Wait, what are you..." Druella says as she disappears mid-sentence.


Opening her eyes, Druella saw Tom in front of her, holding her in place.

The first thing on her mind upon returning is what Manasa said to her before giving her the boot.

She didn't fully believe it, as she knew Tom would never cheat on her, and even if a woman was 'handsy' with him, that doesn't mean he did anything wrong.

Suddenly, the image of that blush from earlier came to mind.

'Why was he blushing like that? Does it have to do with what Manasa was talking about?' She thought.

"~Did it work?~" Tom asks as her eyes open.

"~I don't know. How do you speak parseltongue? I've never done it before~" Druella answers with a shrug.

"~You're speaking parseltongue right now~" Tom reveals with a smirk. "~Congratulation, Drue~"

Hearing Toms revelation, Druellas eyes widen as she starts testing out her speech, switching between English and snake with a gleeful smile.

"Alright, since we don't need to pack up this entire vault, like the last, let's go and see Le Fay has in store for us." Tom says and holds out his arm for Druella to hold. "~Shall we?~"

"~We shall~" Druella hissed back with a smile on her face.

Outside the vault, the group of goblins waited for far less time compared to the Pendragon vault.

Almost half an hour, which for a goblins time will earn every one of them a pretty penny. Depending on how much their time is worth of course.

Soon, the vault door opened and out came the happy couple, who seemed to be hissing at one another?

Seeing this, many of the Goblins were confused, as parseltongue isn't a gift that runs in the Rosier family.

"Lord Riddle, how did your fiancé learn parseltongue?" One of the goblins asks what the rest were thinking.

"Oh, I've been teaching her here and there during our years in Hogwarts." Tom lies with ease. "Enough of that though. You goblins are all about your time, so let's head off to the last vault."

Not sure if they fully believe him, many of the goblins found Tom's answer possible but not probable.

After all, could parseltongue be taught and learned in the first place? They didn't know for sure but it didn't seem possible.

Deciding to let it go once again, Alluk steps forward to escort everyone to the final vault.

"Follow me."