C235 Second Prince


(A/N: Want to read ahead of what I've posted so far? Go to my patreòn and get early access chapters.

As of this chapter, the patreòn is 9 chapters ahead at chapter 244. 245 is being written now so 10 chapters ahead whenever I finish. Patreòn schedule is 2 chapters a day, 6 days a week. Friday is my day off.


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Thanks for the Power Stones and enjoy the chapter!)

"Wait!" Thor came barreling into the room, destroying the doors and knocking over soldiers along the way.

"Thor, what are you doing here?" Frigga asks with a stern look on her face.

She loves her children dearly, but she has already warned Thor against interrupting this meeting. It was the reason she was late to arrive in the first place.

She went to both of her children and warned them against causing any trouble. Especially while Asgard is hosting someone of Toms power level.

Loki was warned to not pull any pranks, and Thor was warned against starting fights, but it seems the older brother couldn't hold himself back.

Unless of course, Loki somehow instigated Thor's actions, which is very possible.

"You know what I want mother." Thor says as he turns towards Toms direction. "Fight me." He stated as he stared into Tom's eyes.

"No, Thor! I've already told you my ruling on this. There will be no fighting today. Now leave this instant!" Odin says with an authoritative stare.

Soon, the room fills with silence as Thor and his father have a staredown, which Thor was losing.

"I don't mind having a friendly spar between our children." The Ancient One says, breaking the silence.

"I don't think that's a very good idea..." Queen Frigga says as she looks between Tom and Thor.

Tom was obviously stronger than Thor, so they didn't want their child fighting someone who they didn't know would hold back or not.

If Tom decided to go all out, Thor may actually die.

"Well, It wouldn't be a fight to the death. Just an average spar. Neither side would go too far. We can set ground rules that they would have to follow." The Ancient One explains.

"I don't mind." Tom speaks up.

"You heard them, Father." Thor says with a smile plastered on his face. "They agreed so it should be fine, right?"

"...fine." Odin says and receives a scandalous look from his wife, Frigga.

"What?" She says as she looks straight at her husband.

"Losing will hopefully teach him a lesson." Odin whispers to Frigga. "Don't worry, we'll make some rules and I'll watch over and intervene if anything seems off."

"...okay." Frigga says after a long pause.

While Thor was celebrating his success at getting his parent's approval, everyone else was stating rules that had to be followed during the spar.

It was the usual stuff. No killing. No maiming. No crippling. Etc.

After coming up with everything and telling the rules to Thor and Tom, they were escorted to an open training field in the palace.

As they entered, the soldiers and Nobles that were using the field were told to leave.

Hearing orders from the king himself, everyone left swiftly without a single complaint.

In Asgard, when the king tells you to do something, you do it because the King's word is law, and breaking that law can be punished by death.

Although Odin wouldn't do that now, there are still story's of how he used to kill someone for even the slightest offense.

With the field cleared, Tom and Thor stood opposite one another waiting for Odin to call the start of the spar.


In the distance looking out one of the palace windows, the dark-haired Asgardian Prince Loki could be seen watching the show with an evil smirk.

When he heard of his brother's encounter with the intruders, he snooped around to find out everything that happened.

Since his mother was involved, It was hard to get done, but Loki found out that the male intruder was way stronger than Thor, which is why their father refused to allow his favorite son to fight him.

The second Loki heard that he went and visited his downtrodden brother and egged him on. Pushing all of his buttons in order for him to go and get himself killed.

The funny thing is by the time Thor was rushing for his death, he was thanking Loki for all his help and guidance.

'Hehe, what an idiot.' Loki thought as he watched his stupid brother eyeing his opponent cockily.

"What are you looking at?" He heard from over his shoulder.

"Huh?" Loki grunted as he turned to see his mother standing there with a look that says 'I know what you did'.

"Hello, Mother. What are you doing here?" Loki asks as he checks the field and sees that the woman down there is just an illusion.

The Frigga before him is the real deal.

"Why must you scheme against your brother? He wouldn't have disobeyed your father without your goading. Do you really wish for your brother to die?" Frigga asked with a worried frown on her face.

"..." Loki doesn't answer and merely stares at his mother quietly.

She's the only one that he doesn't want to scheme against. When everyone was coddling Thor, she was the one that showed him the most love. While others were praising Thor's skill with the sword, she would praise his skill in magic.

When their father ignored him in favor of Thor, Frigga did the exact opposite. She spent all of her time with him to make up for his lack of a father.

It's safe to say that Loki loves Frigga dearly.

Without answering his mother's question, Loki makes a quick escape and disappears, leaving his worried and saddened mother behind.