C240 Loki Incident


(A/N: Want to read ahead of what I've posted so far? Go to my patreòn and get early access chapters.

As of this chapter, the patreòn is 10 chapters ahead at chapter 250. Patreòn schedule is 2 chapters a day, 6 days a week. Friday is my day off.


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Thanks for the Power Stones and enjoy the chapter!)

"Does it have a name?" Thor asks, completely ignoring the fact that his father just agreed to an alliance for him.

He was far too enthralled in the lightning bolt held in his hand to pay any attention to the world and people around him.

"Yes, I believe it's called The Master Bolt." The Ancient One answers.

"...Master Bolt..." As Thor repeats its name and the hunk of metal in his hand vibrates, causing a warm feeling to flow through his hand.

Everyone just started ignoring Thor, as all he cared about at the moment is his new toy.

"I guess this makes me your official student." Tom says as he steps up beside Frigga.

"It seems so." She answered with an amiable smile. "We'll figure out the minor details after the tour and the alliance documents have been drawn up and signed."

"That's fine, lets continue the tour then." Tom says as he and the Ancient One lead them around.

While Thor was entranced by his new weapon, Tom and his mother continued the tour.

Thor straggled behind, barely paying attention to anything around him. His mother had to grab his arm a few times and steer him away from walking into walls and other breakable objects.

Soon, they arrived at the library, which was the place all of them were looking forward to. Besides Thor of course.

Books are the lifeblood of any magical society.

Magic can be passed down from teacher to student, but if these people were to die, then this magic would be lost forever.

This is why books are kept and usually guarded heavily in any magical society.

Kama-Taj has a good amount of security that has to be passed in order to get to the library, especially when you aren't a member of Kamar-Taj itself.

Asgard is the same.

Their books related to magic are all heavily guarded and only accessible to those that are trusted.

Of course, not all magical books are locked away. Some books are about mundane things or don't house any powerful magic. These books are usually less guarded and open to the public.

At least on Asgard, they are.

As they entered the library, all of the Masters, apprentices, and others present stood up and bowed before taking their leave.

They've already been warned and knew to be respectful while giving the guests some space.

"What a quaint little library you have here." Loki says sarcastically with a smirk on his face that would make anyone want to punch a hole in it. "It's not as grand as the one back home, but I'm sure you make do."

"Loki!" His mother exclaims as she walks over to him and grabs his ear, pulling it towards her slightly. "Apologize this instant!"

Pulling away from his mother's grasp, Loki rubs his aching ear and looks at the people before him with a grim frown clear on his face.

"I'm sorry that your library isn't as good as ours." Loki says apologetically.

As he says this, everyone rolls their eyes and chooses to ignore him, which is exactly what he wanted.

As the tour of the library starts and everyone isn't paying attention, Loki replaces himself with an illusion as he turns invisible and sneaks off to take anything of interest.

As he's sneaking away, Tom smirks and remembers that scene where Loki and Thor met Doctor Strange.

Thanks to his heat senses, Tom knows exactly where the real Loki is, so he waves his hand and opens a portal below the evil prince's invisible feet.

A slight yelp could be heard as Loki falls through the portal, drawing everyone's attention.

"What was that?" Frigga asked.

"Maybe one of the students tripped in the hallway?" Tom says with a shrug.

Looking around the area, Frigga can see that Loki is gone and replaced with an illusion.

She taught him everything he knows, so it would be hard not to notice things like this. The problem now is what should she do?

She could out him and hopefully save the situation somehow, but that would get him in trouble with his father...

On the other hand, she could let him be and pretend she doesn't know what's happening, hopefully saving her son from any punishment.

As she's stuck in contemplation, the tour continues and the fake Loki continues to act normally, as if the real him wasn't constantly falling over and over again.

Soon, Frigga came to the decision to out her son, as he could get himself hurt or worse depending on what's stashed away in this place.

As she was about to speak up, a portal opened up above the illusion Loki and out came the real one, crashing into the floor.

The impact of his fall dispelled the illusion as everyone turned to see Loki suddenly laying on the floor.

"Watch where your walking, boy!" Odin berates him and Thor chuckles at his brother's mishap.

Frigga sighed in relief at her son's return as she kneels down to check him for any wounds.

Knowing only two people in this room could make portals like that, Frigga looked up at them with a searching gaze.

As her eyes landed on her new student Tom, he smirked and sent her a quick wink while others weren't looking.

He has to look out for his fellow student after all.