
(A/N: Want to read ahead of what I've posted so far? Go to my patreòn and get early access chapters.

As of this chapter, the patreòn is 5 chapters ahead at chapter 270. I'm going to try and build up chapters on Patreón again today. Patreòn schedule is usually 2 chapters a day, 6 days a week. Friday is my day off.


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Thanks for the Power Stones and enjoy the chapter!)

"Welcome to the party Mother. Where's Druella and the princes?" Tom asked as the army of Masters and his own followers form up behind him.

"I'm here, my friend!" Thor happily exclaims as he steps crash lands out of a portal, dragging his brother Loki close behind him.

Both princes had a different reaction to the towering figure of Dormammu.

Thor went wide-eyed as a mad smile formed on his lips. He gripped his hammer tightly and prepared for the battle of his life to begin.

Loki on the other hand became very afraid and wanted nothing more than to take his brother Thor out of here before he got himself killed.

He may have problems with his family, but when a universe ending being like this is in the picture, those issues need to be put aside.

Walking over and standing beside Tom, the Ancient One doesn't take her eyes off of the towering enemy before her.

"Only Masters of Kamar-Taj are allowed to fight this battle. Although Druella is very strong for a wizard, she's only an apprentice and must still follow the rules like everybody else." She replies as if she has had to repeat this a lot before coming here.

"I'm sure she didn't take that too well." Tom says with a wry smirk on his face.

Knowing Druella very well, Tom knew she wouldn't be happy about being left behind, especially since Toms followers were coming as well.

Out of every single one of his followers, Druella is by far the strongest of them all, but she is also a member of Kamar-Taj now and has to follow the rules set by their leader, the Ancient One.

"No, she didn't take it well." The Ancient One says with a shake of her head. "I may have had to lock her in another dimension while we're busy here." Hearing this, Tom raised a questionable eyebrow at his mother. "Oh, don't look at me like that. Your little fiancé is safe and will return to our dimension within 10 hours. That is if we don't have the chance to go and get her ourselves."

"She's going to be so pissed..." Tom mutters as a small smile graces his face.

Looking over at Dormammu and his never-ending army of Mindless Ones, Tom felt a lot calmer knowing his future wife is nowhere near the battle that's about to go down.

"Oh, if it isn't the thief!" Dormammus monstrous voice booms as he eyes the Ancient One up and down, like a human looking down on a disgusting bug.

"Hello, Dormammu. I'm afraid that you won't be able to go any further. Earth has no room for any more homicidal maniacs. Especially one of your caliber." The Ancient One says as she uses the Eye of Agamotto to trap everyone in the area in an endless time loop, as Doctor Stranger did in the movie.

Seeing what his mother did, Tom couldn't help but be impressed with her.

She involved both armies and their leaders in the trap, so as long as things go as the movie did, neither side will have a single casualty.

Sadly, that means none of the Mindless Ones will die either, but everything can't go perfectly all the time.

None of them would have a single scratch by the end of this.

Though, that doesn't mean there won't be mental scars, as Doctor Strange took a very long time to bargain with Dormammu.

Over a thousand years, in fact.

Hopefully, the Masters of Kamar-Taj along with his followers won't be affected by the passage of time too much.

'I'll have to check my followers for mental issues after this, and tell mother to do the same for the Masters as well.' Tom thought as the Ancient One stepped forward, never taking her eyes off of the giant primordial inter-dimensional being towering over her.

"Dormammu, I've come to bargain!" She says the same line Doctor Strange repeated for over a thousand years.

"You have nothing to bargain with little ape!" His monstrous voice booms as the Mindless Ones behind and around him fly forward towards the opposite army.

Seeing as he couldn't die and may be fighting for a very very long time, Tom decided to take advantage of the situation and hone his newfound wind powers.

Knowing that Thor needed to do the same with his lightning, Tom made eye contact with him and used Legilimency to inform him of his mother's plan and his plan to use it to perfect his wind power.

Soon, a beaming smile appeared on Thor's face as he dropped his hammer without a second thought, and dashed towards the nearest Mindless One with lightning surrounding his fists.

"Thor! Wait!" Loki yells as he tries to find a way out of this place.

"Don't worry, Loki! We've got this under control. You'll see soon enough!" Tom shouts to him as he follows Thor's lead and jumps into battle with wind raging along his body.