
"Star destroyer bomb.Armed"

"Target position locked."

"Getting into formation"

"Shield integrity 100%"

, "All personal evacuation completed"

"Self-destruction sequence activated T-3 min"

While all the mechanical sounds of artificial intelligence of spaceship sounded on its empty bridge. Only one person was on the empty bridge, all personal have been evacuated long ago, he was only there because he has a special mission and only he could complete.

On the captain seat of the main bridge of the starship, a man was puffing almost burnt cigarette with his trembling hands, his face has almost no emotion, his eyes were fixed on the dense swarm of the insects on the main screen of the bridge which was held off in front of his ship by dense bombarding

"star streamer! the gap had been created"

An urgent voice sounded from the long-silent general channel of the ship

"star streamer! please respond immediately! please...."

"got it"

The man replied in a hoarse but calm voice while crushing the remaining cigarette butt, but his eyes were still on the insects on the main screen.

The next moment bombarding off of other ships stopped and the zergs surged towards his ship slamming on the heavily armoured bow of the ship completely filling the main screen, as the last light of the screen on the face of the man it got more determined.

The man was wearing a standard space biological suit. The only difference to suits it number of stars on his shoulder.

Not far from the ship an insect bigger than his ship was roaring frantically as if commanding the other insects was the target of the man.

"Commander Sam, you have three minutes before mother zerg fire its charge." the voice in the silent channel sounded, after a short pause it continued.

"Commander Sam ... Good luck!"

"You keep it and wish humanity good luck."

Sam didn't even brink his eyes as he replied. He got up from his seat as he exhaled deeply and turned around.

Sam put on the holographic helmet and stood in front of a seven-meter high pitch-black mecha.

He entered the control compartment as its hatch closes, various icons flashes on his holographic helmet.

"Old friend, accompany me to fight for last time"

He stroked his mech "Atom" while filling the unknown emotion brought by his mech. After the while, Sam raised his right hand and decisively controlled the right arm of "Atom" to smash the red button on the bridge console.

Suddenly, the Union's "Cruiser" class Mothership exploded from within and various ship compartment containing explosive struck to insects and exploded at rapid speed.

This huge chain explosion instantly wiped out all the zergs in the surrounding and cleared a path between a pitch-black mech and a furious mother zerg.

The whole ship was filled with explosive and as the caption of the star streamer, Sam has the controls of the explosion.

However this explosion was not the last weapon, but the mech "Atom" and its controller Sam.

Without waiting for mother insect to mobilize the insects to block the path again, white flame rushes out from the thrusters of the black mecha, and send the mecha at an alarming speed towards the mother insect screaming for other insects to block the mecha.

Sam pushed mech to its limits to shuttle flexibly from the incoming attacks from the mother insect and attack using its star alloy blade to cut the unavoidable attacks. And rushed straight into the mouth of the mother insect with its small body, before mother insect could fire its electromagnetic canon.

Sam finally breathed a sigh of relief and, put down his helmet, unfastened his seat belts.

He lowered his head and picked a photo of a girl and stared at it in the dim light of the controller with nostalgia.

"Goodbye, to everything I love."

Then pushed a flashing button on the controller, manually activating the star destroyer bomb mounted on the back of the mech. a flash of white light swallowed the man while illuminating the photo of the sweet smiling girl for a split second,' while unknown to him a black dot-like light shined from his neckless sucks him inside it'.

A dazzling flame flower illuminated the whole place making a beautiful and magnificent. But no one admired it.

this was a result of the 10 year-long battle between zergs and humans .constant defeats of humans for 10 years finally pushed them to use this method to stop zergs from advancing.

in the past three months, many of the mecha pilots lost their lives, even elite pilot like Sam died exceeded hundred.

This may be a precarious human struggle against the zergs invasion or a dying struggle...

But this may not be in the initial concern to Sam about what comes to him.