Uncle Bernard

Sam again looked outside the window seeing the sun was out and time was nearing his waking up time when he was in high school just then a knock came from the door accompanied with a heavy and old sound "young master, its time to wake up you have a training session this morning".

Sam again take a look at the date in his smart band and a flash of understanding came from his eyes because universities entrance exam were in a month time, he needed to get the best fitness to get into military university. That's why he has arranged a training session three days a week to get the best shape possible and increase his chances to get selected as a mech pilot.

While it may not matter that having good physic will grant a possibility to become a mech pilot. As it was identified genetically whether one can become a mech pilot or not. Still, in his last time, he arranged a physical training class.

Sam hurriedly answer "I have woken up uncle Bernard and will be out in a minute".

He then went freshen up, during this time when he looked at his face in the mirror he was shocked because his face looked so young compared to before and bit his lips accidentally causing a drop of his blood to fall on the neckless which adsorbed his blood unknown to him. He hurriedly washed his mouth and looked at his lips seeing that it wasn't injured much he relaxed.

After ten or so minutes he went outside seeing a man in his late 40 was standing outside .while he looked old his back was straight no signs of ageing on his body other than some wrinkles on his face.

After seeing him coming out of his room man replied: "good morning young master you have woken up quite early today".

That man was named Bernard as far as Sam knew about his name, he was his father's bodyguard earlier when his father was around but after his parents went missing he becomes more like a second guardian to him.

In his last life, he didn't acknowledge him and always tried to humiliate him because he didn't tell him where his parents went, he always thought that Bernard was with him because of some selfish motive only later did he know that he was sworn brother of his father and vowed to his father to protect him only when Bernard died to protect him during a raid of space pirates on this planet 6 months later.

Thus he replied politely "nothing much uncle Bernard just woke up before you called" and went towards the garden.

But Bernard has a trace of surprise on his face because Sam never called him uncle much less taking politely he even talked straight face was a miracle he even woke up early. Now that he thinks about it he even replied at that time when he called Sam to wake up and he unconsciously came again to wake him up. And Sam even looked like something in him has changed today, his behaviour was somewhat changed today

While Bernard was musing on those things Sam reached garden while his house was not much big but it has a very big garden and there was gym equipment under a shed. He started warming up for his training while there, he started thinking about his current situation.

He was on the remote planet of the human alliance. This was a planet with very fewer resources thus not much developed nearest spaceport was in a nearby system at a distance of a 2-day flight from a spaceship, it is called purple star .this planet has six out of ten-part land while water resource was spread across the plant in form of large lakes mostly of freshwater, this planet got its distinctive name because of special purple coloured grass grown all over the planet making its colour purple.

The only thing this planet has was the best scenery and it has a population of nearly 1.2 billion. making a nice place for people after retirement. While this planet has not much of the problem other than being in a remote corner thus also a hiding place for shady peoples and criminals.

Only important event he remembers in recent time on this planet was a mech unveiling of a mech which was named "Wind Rider" which was a scam mech only showing that it has specs a current generation mech but was very cheaper than them while having a major hidden fault. It was on the 7th of Feb which was Sunday.

Thus he decided to go to that event and finding what was the problem on this mech. And somehow cancelling this deal of the government with this company.

By the time he was done with his training time, it was already 9:30 in his smart band and he also noticed that Bernard was also there at that time watching him. Sam then suddenly asked him "what do you think of my training uncle Bernard"?

Bernard was again surprised at this question because Sam has never asked for his advice but after slightly flinching he replied: "you are not training your lower body enough young master, it will cause your speed to decrease slightly".

When Sam heard this he knew Bernard was speaking right because last time his ranking got lowered in universities because of his speed.

Then Bernard added, "your training is still enough you will definitely get selected for university examination, you should wash up now young master while I arrange for the breakfast".

Sam who was also finished just smiled after hearing this and thought "in this life, he will also protect uncle Bernard like he protected his last life and also definitely mend their relationship.