
Nancy yawned while stretching her arms above her head, as she waddled through her apartment.

Her eyes fell upon a paper lying by the front door.

She picked it up and examined it. The name written at the corner of it caused her face to pale, as if the blood was sucked out of her.

' I got to know that you are living a really luxurious life, one you always dreamed of. But always remember how you have reached that position and how many people were sacrificed for it. Let's meet soon, dear sister.

Love. Your brother. Nile. '

The paper fell from her hands because of their trembling.

" No. No. No. It can't. I can't. " She breathed out heavily, heaving with each exhale.

As the situation registered in her mind, she pulled open the door, running down the stairs looking for the person who slipped the paper in her apartment.

But the chance of the person still being here was slim.

Barefooted, she trudged back up the stairs to her apartment, her face blank.