Chapter 5

"Do you need help?"

I turned around to meet the emerald green eyes of Tyler. He looked handsome as ever, but I didn't miss the look of tiredness that washed over his face. My eyes ran up and down his body and realized that he was dressed in an all black attire, black shirt and even his shirt was black. Weird.

When I was about accept his offer, I remembered how he didn't even bother to text me.

"No, I'm fine" I replied and began to walk away before he lightly grabbed my wrist and took my bags.

"Let me help you" he said taking the bags from my grasp.

"I said I am fine" I snapped pulling my bags back with so much strong of a force causing one of my bags to fall on the floor.

More specifically, my Victoria's secret bag, revealing the lingerie I had just bought.

"Hi brother, when did you get back?" Nessa asked interrupting our little drama.

"A little while ago" he replied

I quickly bent down, shoving the underwear in the damn bag, my embarrassment visible on my face.

"I will be two" Nessa said and left.

I heard him clear his throat before speaking

"Why won't you let me help you?"

Wow, is he serious right now? what a dumbass question

"Why didn't you text me?" oh damn, I sound so desperate right now.

He sighed

"Look, it has been a tough week, I was really busy"

My anger slowly disappeared as I noticed how tired he looked. His eyes, the way he makes me feel. It seemed like he had not shaved in days and his hair was a hot mess. His eyes didn't have the familiar look I was used to, instead they looked cold and empty.

"what happened?" I asked, as I placed my right hand on his arm immediately regretting why I did that.

It was like a punch in my stomach when I felt him tense under my touch. I quietly removed my hand, respecting myself, so embarrassed and disappointed.

"Nothing you need to worry about Tresh, now let me help you with your bags"

"If you insist" I said. My hands did hurt after all.

He led me to his expensive car...damn, I sound broke. I was surprised as to why we were heading to his car instead of my place.

We got into the car and he drove off, at first it was quiet and as usual, I decided to break the silence.

"Where are we going to?" I asked curious

"Don't you want to come to my place?" He asked me

Nice shot... replying a question with a question

"But wait...your place? why?" I asked, my thoughts running usual

"Calm down Tresh...I'm not going to eat you, bad girl. I could eat you for dinner if you let me though" he said, looking at me with those eyes filled with lust and admiration and I blushed, as I slowly understood what he meant by eating me for dinner.

The rest of the journey was quiet.

We reached his mansion and I went into his large kitchen to prepare dinner for him since he looked really tired.

After dinner, I decided it was time for me to head back home since Nessa would be waiting for me.

I saw him scratch his stubble nervously

"I should get going, it's late" I said

He looked like he was about to say something but decided not to

"Yea, okay" he nodded

NO...This wasn't how it was supposed to go, he was supposed to apologise for being an asshole and ask me to stay the night. wow I sound like a horny bitch.... whatever

He was halfway down the hall when I finally decided to take control of the situation.

"Tyler!" I yelled not too loud. He stopped and turned around

Here goes nothing

"Do you want to uhm- maybe want to go out again with me sometime?" I starred down, waiting for his reply.

He hesitated before replying

"As much as I want to say yes, I don't think it's a good idea Treasure" his eyes now dull

"why? what happened to you in the last month?" and again I sounded so desperate.

"We don't belong in the same world, Treasure I'm not good for you" he replied and he leaned down to kiss my forehead. His lips lingering there for a couple seconds, before he began to walk away, taking a piece of my heart with him.

Disappointed, I stared down not being able to handle the rejection and I slowly and gently walked out of his mansion.

* * * *

"Hey babe, you are back... good thing. How was it? you guys going on a date soon?"

So I thought

"It was good, but I am really tired so I'm just going to head straight to to you tomorrow" I said and left for my room

"okay" I heard her say before she disappeared

I lightly shut my door, before stripping out of my clothes and into my pyjamas. I curled up into a ball and silently let out the first tear.

My thoughts were disrupted when I felt Nessa crawl into my bed and squeezed herself next to me and kept her head on my neck.

"Are you okay?" I heard her muffled voice say

I quietly wiped my tears

"Yea, I am just a bit stressed out" I smiled reassuringly

"So why are you crying?" she asked

"I am not crying, I ju- I think something got into my eyes" I lied

What a stupid lie

"Okay" she sighed but I knew she did not believe or fall for my stupid and dumb lie.

I wrapped my arms around her shoulder and slowly let the comforting darkness engulf me.

At least now I could finally get some rest, even if it is only for a few hour.

Waitttt....I left my Victoria's secret bag in Tyler's car... damnit