Chapter 13: Divine Weapon Pavilion

With a flash and wave of nausea, we suddenly appeared in East Merchant City. The teleportation array here was located in the middle of city, so when we appeared, hustling-bustling crowd of people welcomed our eyes.

It was also quite a long distance away from Teleportation Array at gates of Heavenly Academy, and costed about 1,000 Divine Qi Stones. Unfortunately, for obvious reason, I couldn't let my rich lover pay for me anymore.

"This place is always crowed as always." While walking through the roads of city, Zongying lamented.

Luo Zongying was the disciple of Immortal Section of Heavenly Academy, and she had been in this realm for over thirty years so it was only natural she explored this place already. And by the looks of it, she didn't want to come here.

"Xiurong, what did you want to buy?" Zongying inquired.

"Hmm... just clothes and stuff." Glancing towards me, Xiurong continued, "Xiao Bai, is there anything you want? Why don't you buy yourself a good sword since you don't like mine."

Seems like she still had a grudge that I used Qinlian's sword, not hers.

"Now that you say it, I should. But where should I buy it from? I don't have enough money for Divine Weapon Pavilion's weapon."

"We can lend you some."

"It's fine. I will buy it from somewhere else." I waved my hands and spoke firmly.

Just when we thought the matter was settled, unexpectedly, Zongying propositioned. "Weapon are an important part of yourself, don't just buy them randomly. I have some links with Divine Weapon Pavilion, they may give you a discount. Let's go take a look later." At the end, her face turned a bit unnatural, like she was remembering something bothersome.

Xiurong also added, "come on. Even Sister Zongying agrees."

"Since you guys insist." I couldn't deny them after they were worrying about me. Looks like Zongying wasn't as cold as she portrayed herself to be either.

Following this, what started was a long shopping spree. It went till late evening. I was completely exhausted, being dragged by Xiurong here and there. I forgot how many sets of cloth she bought but it was definitely nearing three digits. Finally, when she was satisfied and after eating our full at a restaurant, we entered Divine Weapon Pavilion.

Divine Weapon Pavilion, as expected was absolutely massive. Shining weapons and armour, shaped in dragons and phoenix were pretty common.

"No need to look here, come with me." Zongying said and walked towards the reception desk. She took out a strange red card, and handed it to receptionist. "Is Su Meiyao here?"

The receptionist had an astonished expression seeing the card, I guess it was something pretty rare, the murmurs of people around us confirmed that. Coming out the stupor, she quickly bowed. "Yes, Pavilion Mistress Su is here. I will call her."

Zongying simply nodded her head.

After a minute or two, suddenly a bone-melting bewitching voice drifted into our ears. "Isn't it little Yingying. So you finally couldn't live without meeting me?"

My throat parched immediately. The allure of this voice wasn't something that should be allowed to exist.

The person I believed to be Su Meiyao wore a luxurious, long dress, showing her snow-white skin. Long amethyst coloured hair cascaded down her shoulders. Her face was charming and her seductive voice could reach people's souls. Her slim waist emphasized her round, ample rear. I could even see the long shining legs peeking out of her revealing clothing. Her cheeks were flawless under her twinkling, starry eyes. The glamor of this mature, charming woman could boil any man's blood.

Honestly, I had believed woman couldn't get more beautiful than Xiurong and Zongying could, but I guess I was a frog in a well. Although they were beautiful, none came close to her in womanly charm or beauty. Maybe if Xiurong become as strong as her, then...

"You are as annoying as ever." Zongying who already looked like she was regretting her decision to come here snorted lightly.

"So cruel." Su Meiyao said in an almost crying tone, and stretched her hands to wipe her imaginary tears. "You hadn't come to visit me in these last years, and now that you came..." her voluptuous chest heaved up and down, along with them moved every man's eyes but she didn't seem to be bothered in the least.

"Stop your act already. I am here to by a weapon." Fed up with Meiyao's action, Zongying shook her head in exasperation. Seems like she didn't know how to handle these kinds of woman.

As if everything before was a lie, Meiyao's countenance went through a big change. With a flash, she appeared in front of us. Glancing at Xiurong and then at me, she smirked. "Will you leave this boy as an exchange for the weapon?"

I mentally said, 'I don't have any complaints.'

"...the weapon is for him. And I am not leaving him here."

"Oh my. How bold of you to try to hog a handsome boy all by yourself. Let's just ask the person in question."

The next instant, a charming fragrance entered my nose, intoxicating me. The starry eyes peered into mine, and instantly, a weird sensation came over me. A voice, even seductive than before resounded in my ears. "Handsome boy, do you want to stay with big sis here."

I was about to agree when Xiurong's panicked shout woke me up from the strange spell. "No, he isn't staying here."

'What was that? That was so strange.'

[Some people in this world are loved by heavens, and hence are gifted with Divine Physiques that help them achieve heights no others could. The person in front of you have Innate Charm Divine Physique. Any man weaker than her would inevitably fell into her charm. Fortunately, you woke up pretty quickly since she didn't really seem to have any intension of actually using her Divine Physique against you.]

A beauty filled with thorns, huh?

Seeing me broke through the tricky spell, a gleam of astonishment passed in Meiyao's eyes.