Chapter 17: Gain And Loss

Die? Again? Without accomplishing anything? Not even leaving behind a name? What about those sexy goddesses who are waiting for me to claim them?

I don't know why but at this moment, I remember that man I met in blood world earlier. If I was as strong as him, wouldn't I rein supreme? At the same time I remembered the words he said. "Rampage."

[Rampage Forbidden Stage]

The Qi circulation around my nine major meridians started slowing down, before coming to a complete halt. Afterwards, it resumed the flow—in opposite direction. A heart-wrenching pain attacked my whole body.

"What is?!"

Suddenly as if everything was a lie, the pain stopped. When I opened my eyes again, I found myself holding the sword in front of me. All around me was grey fog which was releasing from my body, both girls were looking at me with wide opened eyes.

I felt myself getting powerful, even fighting with 6th or even 7th Level of Qi Assimilation wasn't arduous task.

But it wasn't enough!

Particularly at this time, the dull-blade shivered. With a wave of mysterious energy, all the rust on its surface cleared, revealing a black sword. The veins which had already died out had a faint golden hue to them, and finally the orb at pommel had a closed eyelid visible on the surface.

A swirl of that same mysterious energy arose from that orb, entering my forehead. It contained a set of memories and a mysterious chant.

"Ancient Desolateness."

The moment I started reciting that chant, with me at centre, a calm wave rippled. Whatever non-sentient thing it came in contact with would wither away. The tress, plants, buildings, foods... anything. What started as wave of ripple quickly became a thunderous tsunami. For miles and miles, everything turned grey. The reason was the sword, it was sucking them dry of any Qi.

A berserk swirl of pure Qi has already surrounded me, along with the howling and raging of an ancient beast. The sound pierced everyone's soul, it contained enough might to break the heavens apart.

"Not enough!"

This power didn't come without repercussions. I felt my blood drying, the lustrous blue hair losing its shine, turning white, and body shrivelling with every yard I spread the wave of desolateness. After that I felt even my life energy was being sucked out rapidly, I was quickly becoming old.

"Finally, its enough." All this happened within two moments, enough time for opponent to kill us over thousand times but they kept an amused face and watched... at least until they felt the tornado of violent Qi surpassing them.

"Fire. Don't know what demonic technique he is using but don't let him finish!" One of them yelled and soon enough everyone launched their attack.

In the face of violent attacks that was out to decimate me to ground, I stood calmly, calmer than ever. I knew what I had to do.

[Chicken Slaughtering Sword Art Special Art: Reversing The Great Flow]

The time stilled. All flow Reversed. Rules began changing.

Under the shell-shocked eyes of everyone present, the space suddenly split open. Baring it's mouth wide open, it swallowed all the incoming attacks in a second and after a few moments, it threw it back to them—at double the strength. But it wasn't the same attack as them, all of the elemental Qi had turned into pure Heaven and Earth Qi. It was just unadulterated ferocious stream of Qi.



They screamed one after another, putting their best defences but the massive beam of pure Qi was nothing to scoff at. It tore about their defences immediately, and rushed towards them in a heartbeat.

Screaming in despair, they spun around to run but their speed wasn't enough. One after another, all of them were engulfed in it.



"Save me!!"

First, their skin shedded, then their flesh burned and finally the bones were crushed into dust, removing their existence from the world completely. All five of them were utterly shocked even till their last moments.

Following a long silence, Xiurong hugged me tightly from behind, tears of happiness and grief flowing down. Just when I wanted to turn around, my body limped away weakly and I threw mouthfuls of blood incessantly.

"Aaah!" I screamed. It was like someone was hammering my body with a mountain, breaking every bone only to build them instantly, now multiply that by a thousand time.

"I am here..." I heard Xiurong's soft voice before my consciousness couldn't brave the torture and ultimately faded.


The next time I opened my eyes, the first thing that greeted me was system's long log screen.

[Obtained 900x5 = 4,500SSP (1SSP=1,000,000SP) for killing five opponents at 9th Level of Immortal King Realm.

Obtained ability: Magical Shift Movement Technique

Unlocked Bloodline Ability: Touch Of Sex Devil

Sensing mortal danger. Lifespan decreased to 5 seconds.

Forcibly activating [Store Function]

Buying Elixir Of Life Mountain: 4,499 SSP.


Life Span increased to 1,000 years.

Cultivation upgraded to 7th Level of Qi Assimilation Realm

PS: Due to activating [Store] function prematurely, system will go into dormant mode one year. Some Sex Devil you are, almost giving your life away for two women. Idiot.]

I guess I really pushed myself this time. But recalling how Zongying, that cold woman didn't hesitate to almost throw her life to save ours, I don't think I did anything wrong. If I had the chance to do it all over again, I would do so. In that moment, if she wanted to leave me alone and run away, she could have easily done so but she fought till the end. She was worth the sacrifice.

It was good and all but... my fists balled up, an urge to get stronger rose from my bottom of heart. I was too weak, I need to get stronger.

"What are you thinking, young man?" A soul-stirring voice made way into my ears. It couldn't be more familiar.

"Su Meiyao?" I sprang up on the bed, only to stop as a palm at my bare chest slowly pushed me back.