Chapter 21: First Round Over

The first round started with me teleporting in a forest with two crystal in my hand, one was the teleportation crystal, the other displayed my points, position and leaderboard.

Throwing then into my space ring, I began examining my surroundings. Climbing up on a colossal tree, I took in the not-so-pleasant scene. Everywhere my eye goes, all I could see was endless forest.

"This is going to be troublesome."

I had just jumped down when five sharp talons suddenly slashed towards me at incredible speed. Though it was fast, I calmly side-stepped and dodged it easily.


In front of me was some kind of bird type mortal beast. The closest animal I could relate it to was an ostrich. But like everything in Gods Realm, it's dimension wasn't normal, at least thrice my size.

A quick look told me it was at 4th Level of Qi Assimilation. Beasts were always stronger than cultivators of same level, often time they could take on cultivators a couple of small realm above them too. Looks like it thought I was an easy pray and decided to take a chance.

"Quite arrogant, aren't you?"

I sneered and took out my sword.

"Gruu! Gruu!"

It jumped high in air, jumping from one tree to with an agile and confusing movement. Without warning, it lunged towards me, baring his beak wide open.

[Chicken Slaughtering Sword Art 1st Art: Cutting Wings]

The sword swung in air, cutting the air and forging towards the incoming attack from beast. With no suspense whatsoever, the sword plunged directly into it's head after slicing through its beak.

It fell down, still struggling. I raised my sword and cut it by the neck, ending the futile effort.

"140 points."


"120 Points."

Cutting off another breast's neck effortlessly, I sat down on the rock. It was already five days since the first round started. I was keeping the lead and was at first position for five days straight.

I did came across some people but since I wasn't familiar with any of them, I ignored them and worked alone. There was no rule saying you can't form a group, so many contestants had already formed one and hunted strong beasts with numbers. But obviously with the rule of 'last hit getting points', betrayals were as common as trees in this forest.

While I was getting ready to cook the beast, I heard a shout getting increasingly louder.

" me!"

"Help me!" There was woman running straight towards me, with three rhino-looking beasts chasing her relentlessly.

"Tsk." This isn't the first time it happened. Many bastards tried the same thing to me. Since many already knew I was the strongest in this arena, they would ask for my help. Most of the time, I just leave them to die.

But this time the girl was a tanned beauty with blonde hair, of course, I can't let her die.



[Phantom Shift]

[Chicken Slaughtering Sword Art 3rd Art: Cleaving Necks]

Three phantoms rose from my body as I disappeared from the place. The next instant I was standing beside rhinos with their head rolling on the ground.

"3x10=30 points."

"Are you alright?" I asked the girl who had fallen on her butt.

"Y-yeah. Thank you." Even though she was a beauty, compared to the woman I had been used to, she couldn't hold a candle.

The tanned girl was wearing a pretty revealing clothing, most of her stomach and legs were clearly visible.

"It's nothing. So where's my reward?" I stretched my hands and pulled her up.

"Rewards?" She looked flustered.

"Obviously. If you don't have anything worthy, just give me a kiss." I shamelessly demanded with righteous face.

"K-kiss? I can't do something like that." She shook her head quickly in defiance. Suddenly her expression brightened as if she came up with something good. "How about this, I will be your cook for the next two days. I am very good at it!"

"A cook?" Well, I guess that's not a bad proposition, I was getting tired to eating beast meat all day and night. Maybe a change in flavour would help.

"Hmm. Hmm. My family runs a restaurant in one of the middle realms, I will cook you my family's special meal." When talking about food, her expression turned a bit loose, and her grey eyes also twinkled weirdly.

I patted her shoulders with straight face. "You got the job. But don't you want to collect points?"

The mood which had brightened earlier took a turn for bitter. "I am pretty weak, there's no chance for me anymore."

She was only at 7th of Body Refinement, so I guess she really doesn't have a chance. I am not going to help her either, since frankly she isn't worth it.

"I see. I am Xiao Bai. Nice to meet you." I stretched my arm for a handshake.

"I am Xi Ran." She smiled and shook my hands.


Two days passed by very quickly.

Initially, I had saved Xi Ran so I could use Sexual Aura on her and satisfy my lust. But then I stupidly remembered how everything was being projected in arena, and I have no hobby of being a exhibitionist so I postponed it for later date.

"Trin trin!"

A siren like sound reverberated in the whole area.

"The first round has come to an end. Teleportation will now begin in five minutes, so be ready."

After listening to the announcement, Xi Ran looked at me with lonely eyes. Seems like she had fallen for me after observing my strength. "I guess this is where we part."

I hummed in response.

Suddenly she extended her arms and coiled it around my neck. After a brief hesitation, she lifted her neck and kissed me on the lips. I didn't push her and enjoyed her smooth petals. Its been weeks since I enjoyed a woman's warmth. My hands subconsciously drifted onto her rump, squeezing them tightly. Her body shuddered but she didn't had any intension to stop me.

After some minutes of kissing, she pulled back, and announced in sentimental tone. "Its time, I guess. I will meet you again someday."

Just then the teleportation began.