Chapter 23: Sister-in-law, Please Stop Him!

Lu Qinlian has also improved quite a lot these last months, she was already at 6th Level of Qi Assimilation Realm. Since her master was a Profound God, I figured she ate some pills but the pureness of Qi surrounding her told me otherwise.

Few pills can actually directly throw you to Immortal path, but rarely anyone used it. Expectedly, it was very expensive to find but the main reason was the hindrance it posed in further cultivation. It adds a lot of impurities in your body and hence not beneficial in long term, especially if you are talented.

Maybe people from mortal realm would instantly eat it but in Gods Realm, everyone pursued Godhood. For this, you must have a very powerful foundation but cultivation-raising pills sabotaged it.

One of the reason why Heavenly Academy was so popular was because of the multiple opportunities it provided to raise one's cultivation quickly, and without damaging your foundation, which aren't easily available in other realms. This round is one of those opportunities for people below Qi Master Realm.

"Hehe... look at that graceful figure, I am so gonna enjoy it. Previously, you always ignored me, let's see how you escape now." A vaguely familiar rough voice entered my ears. Focusing further, I discovered it was Kui Yang, the guy I defeated a couple of months back. He was also in 6th Level of Qi Assimilation but his Qi was remarkably contaminated, looks like he had eaten some pills.

"Brother Yang, you promised to let me have a taste of her. Don't forget it," said a fatty coarsely while leering wantonly at Qinlian's exquisite swell.

Kui Yang sneered. "Of course, but her first time is mine." Licking his lips, he continued, "a profound God disciple... heh we won't get a better chance."

I hadn't shown myself yet, I wanted to know how she would handle this situation. After a brief check on her hidden countenance, I chuckled in pleasant surprise. Even after all the continuous perverted remarks, her ocean-like eyes didn't held a shred of anger, only cold indifference.

"How about this Lu Qinlian, we won't kill you, so obediently come with us. No matter how strong you are, you won't be able to defeat us." Kui Yang spread his arms amiably.

In return, Qinlian simply brandished her sword, Qi swirling around its tip. With a light push, the swirl fired off that subsequently transformed into a horizontal torrent, uprooting the ground as it rushed towards the startled group of perverts.

"Humph." Kui Yang snorted angrily and jumped off. He didn't have enough confidence to take this attack head on.

Not everyone was experienced as Kui Yang who understood the gravity of this attack and seven men tried to stop it with their own attacks, only to be lacerated in wounds soon afterwards. Some had their finger chopped off while some were missing a limb or two.



I was also pretty amazed, and can't help but take a good look at Qinlian. The attack she fired off contained enough might to kill even a 7th Level of Qi Assimilation cultivator if it was aimed directly at one and not spread out. But I guess, I shouldn't expect less.

"So that's your answer, very well. You just earned yourself some more pain."

I was having enough of this Kui Yang's continuous trash talk. The first time I saw Lu Qinlian, I had already considered her my woman. Previously, I wanted to test how she would react and if she was as she portrayed herself to be, and I was very satisfied with results.

[Rampage 1st Stage]

[Chicken Slaughtering Sword Art 4th art: Chicken Massacre.]

Crisscrossed shaped condensed Qi shot off with the wave of my sword, zooming at a frightening speed towards the unaware four people, fatty amidst them.





It was the last thing they spoke before the sharp ferocious attack chopped them all in multiple pieces without any suspense. Since my attack was a sneak one, adding to the difference in out cultivation, they didn't even have opportunity to prepare defence.

Kui Yang eyes grew heavy instantly seeing my figure appear from shadows, he knew his chances to get Qinlian were gone. His acute knife was aimed in my direction, waiting for my incoming attack.

Contrary to his vigilance, I was cooly ambling towards Qinlian with a mild smirk on my face. "I decided to kill them, you don't mind, do you?"

In response, Qinlian slightly shook her head. As I entered her vicinity, the relaxing smell of lilies flared my nostrils. I turned towards Kui Yang to hide to the heated gaze that surfaced in my eyes. For multiple weeks, my sexual appetite wasn't satiated, and it was starting to grow out of control. To me, Qinlian's disposition was always more fatal than Xiurong, whether I wanted to admit or not. There was this special air about her that always garnered my attention.

"Haven't seen you for couple of months but you still don't seem to understand your place. Looks like the previous beating wasn't enough for you."

"Xiao Bai..." his eyebrows narrowed fiercely, eyes blazing with fury.

"But it's good, I have a chance to decimate you once and for all." I gave a huff of mockery.

[Lightning Shift]

The Qi in my acupuncture points surged to my legs, and my figure fazed, blurring in front of everyone's eyes.


Kui Yang looked around frantically in search, before unintentionally accepting a nightmare-inducing jab on his jaws. Few tooth along with blood spewed out of his mouth as he flew away, crashing onto a tree and consequently breaking it. Before he had a chance to come with terms as to what was happening, I stood beside him.



With a mighty penis-shrivelling placekick on the same location as earlier, I again flung him, destroying yet another mother nature. I was sure I had broken his jaw with this attack.

This continued on for five straight minutes, whenever he felt it would stop, I would smack him harder. Kui Yang's consciousness blurred in and out, blood had smeared all over his face and clothes. The seven goons lacerated in wound were shrivelling in fear, not daring to let out a squeak.

"Please... not anymore! Lu Qinlian... no, Sister-in-law, please stop him!" As I was getting into the beating, having my fun, Kui Yang suddenly clung onto my legs and started begging.

Qinlian in response simply looked at him with dead-fish eyes, she have no intension of stopping me.

"Humph. You finally learned you lesson." Remarking so, I pulled my boots off his face but as he was getting relieved, I continued coldly, "then, time to die."



"Are you gonna take care of them?" I asked while looking at the seven despairing, fear-struck goons.

Qinlian raised her delicate arms, and another instant, an orange circle around a meter in radius with mystical inscriptions blossomed atop her palm.

The circle rotated in a frenzied manner and slowly flew towards the seven injured people. They stood up to run away, but it speed increased in response. The moment it came into someone's contact, their body would blast into smithereens.


Chunks of meat and globule of blood whizzed, and ensuingly, everyone succumbed under the mysterious attack.