Chapter 25: Electric Ray Beast

Obviously I didn't guess it. I just happened to see it surface earlier during the fight for an instant but since it already had a very deep wound, it didn't attack. I assumed it was waiting to sneak attack whoever entered the pool and it turned out to be true. Explaining all this would be troublesome, so I blamed it on intuition.

"Let's kill him, it's already wounded."

With a thought the Qi circulating within my body stilled and then reversed, I felt a surge of explosive strength.

[Rampage 1st Stage]

Qinlian was already ready. Boa Ao cries of help had already died down quite some time ago. I don't need to say what happened to him.

"I will use the rest of the bait. Be ready to attack it the moment it gets out. It is already injured around the gill, aim for it."

After giving the instruction, I threw the bit of remaining bait. Within five second, with a surge of water, Electric Ray resurfaced.

Qinlian had already prepared the same orange circle with mystical inscriptions from before and when it emerged, she unhesitantly launched it.

[Chicken Slaughtering Sword Art 4th Art: Chicken Massacre]


I also fired off my attack instantly, and it hit the beast first, followed by Qinlian's. Letting out a loud wailing noise, it fell down in the pool, not moving any longer.

As I had assumed, it was pretty weak. if Bao Ao really tried fighting it instead of asking for our help, he might have actually survived.

The green pool has already turned slightly red from all the blood inside it. I took off my upper cloth and looked at Qinlian. "Let's go."

I thought she would blush or something but in fact, not a sign of it appeared on her snow-white face. Just how head strong is she?

We both dropped in the pool and started swimming downward. After above a minute or so, we were nearing its bottom. As we travelled deep, I felt a layer of Qi that stopped water from entering any deeper. At that certain moment, I felt my body heat up, I blamed it on my usual condition and didn't think too much of it.

We nodded at each other, and passed through the protective layer of Qi and as expected, this place was devoid of any water. We were inside a small cave made of stone and at the end was a meter long pool which was filled with pink sparkling liquid. In the middle of the pool was a small shining pearl.

My eyes flashed with disappointment when I saw it. It was not the congregation of Pure Qi but Yin Qi. While it would help a female tremendously, it was only a scourge for males. Although before one become an Immortal, absorbing elemental Qi was impossible but Yin and Yang Qi were special and it could be absorbed. Leaking a dejected sigh, I shrugged my shoulders at Qinlian. "I guess it's all yours."

I felt that Qinlian's behaviour was a bit off since without answering me, she simply started absorbing the pearl. 'Guess even she can get excited by somethings', l mused while suppressing the heat spreading in my loins.

But then a thought entered my mind, I examined Qinlian's sitting figure from behind. Isn't this the perfect opportunity? After a brief consideration, I began using Sexual Aura on her.

With anticipation, I sat back and waited, watching the Lust Meter increase each passing second.

Two hours later, Lust Meter at ninety, but she still hadn't given in yet and finished absorbing the pearl of Yin Qi. Her cultivation had climbed to 9th level of Qi Assimilation Realm. A raise of 3 small realms!

"Looks like you reaped quite some benefit." I stood and walked towards her.

"...yeah." The familiar indifferent tone entered my ears.

"Is there something the matter?" But her face held vivid blush beneath the veil, breathing slightly unsteady.

"...the blood of Electric Ray has aphrodisiac effect to human body. In the heat of moment, I let that fact slip by."

Was this the reason for my unusual conditions earlier? Its blood was obviously mixed with water in the lake.

My blood itself is an aphrodisiac, so I only suffered minor effect before it subsided but by the looks of it, it was definitely taking a toll on Qinlian. I was internally astonished how calm she was even when Lust Meter displayed ninety-five.

"Will you be fine?" I asked, unintentionally letting out my heated gaze. Her eyes narrowed slightly, but she thought it was just the aphrodisiac.

"...I should be." She bit her lower lips, struggling to maintain the calm.

Looking at her expression, movements and heavy blush which normal Qinlian would never display, a fire soon lit in my heart. The repercussion of not satiating my lust after I had killed those Immortal Kings came at a full drive, parching my throat. I snapped, a primal instinct took over me, disregarding any and everything. I didn't notice it but my pupil and iris had also turned blood-red.

"Xiao Bai?" Seeing my blazing eyes changing, Qinlian involuntarily took a step back. A bad premonition entered her mind.


With a surprise lunge, I pushed the lithe body on ground, startling her. Her veil shifted slightly, and the corners of luscious pink lips entered my eyes.

"Xiao Bai... don't do this... you may die." her voice was firm, and it contained certain amount of warning.

My mind didn't register her words. Her alluring lips and warmth radiating from her soft body turned me hornier that ever.

Her hands raised to push me but I snappily grabbed them by wrist and pinned them above her head. Under her thunderstruck eyes, I peeled her veil off, revealing the hidden face that would put moon to shame. Another surge of lust brewed up from corners of my body and I leaned down, overlapping with her lips.

I didn't halt there, grabbing a petal between my lips, I sucked the nectar out. She finally broke out of stupor, and her eyes turned livid. A sudden sting coming from my lips, and blood streaked from her sudden bite. However, contrary to her expectations, instead of backing down, I kissed her heavily, even staring directly into her eyes.

At the same time, my hand roamed frantically all across her graceful body while simultaneously using Touch of Sex Devil.

"Xiao... Bai..." her eyes were getting foggy every passing second and after I sank my tongue inside her mouth aggressively, she closed her eyes and the resistance crumbled altogether.