Chapter 29: Ouyang Luoshuang

Following a flash, we were suddenly teleported into a new venue. All the 10,000 contestants who passed the second round were present here. The place was buzzing with excitement while some were crying due to the loss of their kins. We were teleported at a corner, so no one noticed us till now but it'd not be like that sooner.

Our examiner, old man Xu Li was already in the air, floating calmly. Beside him were ten some people but what surprise me was the woman who was standing ten meter in front of him.

The woman possessed lustrous raven hair, which seemed a bit excessively long on her 5'8" feet body. She was dressed in a pure-white hanfu embroidered with golden floral patterns. Most of her body were covered, revealing almost no skin. Her eyes were almond-shaped, they had the same feature as her eyebrows—sharp. Her rosy-red lips were short, yet full. On her ears were beautiful golden earrings. She was a stunning beauty but what pulled my attention was her aura. Just after one glance, I can instinctively tell—she was a Goddess.

As if noticing my gaze, her eyes shifted towards me. I felt a mystical sense exploring every corner of my body. Internally, I was outraged but I showed nothing on my face. Checking a person's body without permission was excessively rude, yet I could do nothing but grit my teeth. After ten seconds, her eyes shined in mysterious light. Probably she sensed my Extreme Yang Divine Physique. But after that, she simply turned around, not paying me any attention.

"Who is she?" I asked after a minute to Qinlian.

Noticing the anger in my voice, Qinlian seemed to guess what transpired. "She is Ouyang Luoshuang, one of the six great-elders of Immortal Section of Heavenly Academy and a Profound God."

Dammit! A Profound God! And now she knows about my special physique?

"She is one of few among Gods that have mastered Laws of Space. My master told she can even fight against ten Profound Gods by herself, and even heavily injure them. She was in a closed cultivation for a thousand year but it seems like she had come out finally."

The more Qinlian spoke, the heavier my mood got.

"Did she examined your body?" She asked while giving Luoshuang a glimpse.


My reply made her eyebrows follow slightly. Following a moment of hesitation, she said in warning tone. "Then you should be a little careful. Oushang Luoshang is a very shrewd woman. You catching her eyes this early is worrying to say the least."

"Don't scare me." I gave her puppy eyes.

"I am not. But just to be sure, I will talk to my master once." She rolled her eyes at my antics even in this serious situation.

Well, if a Profound God wants to do something to me, can I really resist? No use thinking about something outside of my grasp. I should simply focus on getting stronger.

Just then, the old man Xu Li started speaking.

"Congratulations to the 10,000 contestants who have passed the second round. Now, you can be considered to be an official disciple of Heavenly Academy.

Without further ado, I would like announce the name of top five ranked contestants.

At Fifth Rank: Li Hao with 37890Points

At Fourth Rank: Qi Xin with 49789Points

At Third Rank: Luo Xiurong with 66456Points

At Second Rank: Lu Qinlian with 101451Points

And At First Rank... Xiao Bai with 123456Points."

Although many people already knew it, they cannot help but exclaim loudly. The difference in points was so massive after all. Many people looked at me and Qinlian like we were some kind of monsters. But it wasn't bad seeing the reverence filled eyes of guys and bewitched females, except it would have been even better if it was aimed at me and not at Qinlian.

I lightly snorted and turned my face away, bewildering clueless Qinlian.

"Is something the matter?"

"Nothing." I didn't turn my face in her direction still.

"Since you say so." Saying so, she simply focused on the words of the old man.

Goddamnit! How can one be so smart yet so clueless?

"Since there's competition, of course, there's prize.

From 4th to 10th Rank, they will be rewarded with equivalent Qi Crystals as their points.

The first three rankers will be rewarded with 100,000 Qi Crystals, and, the moment they enter Qi Master Realm, they will have direct promotion to Inner Disciples.

There's a special reward for first ranker. You are allowed to choose any one martial art present in Martial Art Pavilion of Mortal Section."

Another series of exclaimed waved in the crowd. The Qi crystals, and direct promotion to Inner Disciple was generous enough but getting the privilege to choose one martial art of any level was a once in a lifetime chance. The martial arts inside Martial Art Pavilion was of highest quality as one would expect, so as expected, many eyes burned with envy.

"Its alright to get happy since you entered the academy but keep in mind that you have only entered it." A cold womanly voice suddenly entered everyone's ears. The moment Ouyang Luoshuang spoke, air seems to freeze. Not a person let out a squeak and everyone listened to her with utmost attention and respect.

"After this, you have to make sure that you don't slack and face expulsion. Your journey have just started and most of you would perish with time, achieving nothing. This may seems cruel but it is the cold truth. Rejoicing right now is fine, but don't let it muddle your head. You have a long and arduous path to travel in your cultivation."

After the small speech, everyone couldn't help but take a mouthful of saliva. But they knew, she was speaking truth.

Roaming her sharp eyes around, Luoshang continued, "now I will take you all to the real Heavenly Academy. Since the distance between perimeter of Heavenly Academy and its gates is immeasurable long, and there are no teleportation array created to enter the academy from outside, I will be teleporting all of you."

Saying so, Luoshuang straightforwardly raised her hand and waved it horizontally. With a rumble, the space around around us suddenly split open. We could see the infinite blackness spread out in the space. It was a very dreadful experience, I felt the eerie feeling was akin to a snake slowly creeping up on your body.

But I was for most part, unfazed, and even scrutinised Luoshang. This was a Goddess. She can split open kilometre long space with a wave of hand and... I was supposed to conquer her?