Chapter 36: Ku La’s Demise (18+)

Listening to their conversation, my blood boiled. Though my father may be a drunkard, he didn't deserve to be beaten to death. These bastards are inhumane but I am already more inhumane, and today they will get whats coming to them.

"Who are you? What are you doing here?" Lin Xiao quickly wore his underwear, hiding the peanut inside.

Ku La also jumped off the bed, ready to run away any moment. They must have come across many assassination attempts, that's why they weren't intimidated by a large degree and quickly decided the course of action.

"How sad. Did you really forgot me so quickly? We even dated four years ago." I glanced at Lin Xiao and then at Ku La, and sneered. She was a brown haired beauty, with big blue eyes and sexy body. Even though she couldn't compare to my other women, she was still pretty beautiful. In these few years, her body had also ripened to a degree.

"What? How is it possible? Your face is completely different." Ku La eyebrows tightened, clearly she didn't believe me.

"Ku La, we don't really need to listen to him." Lin Xiao said cooly after releasing I possessed no weapons. "I don't care who you are but what you need to do is scram in three breaths. Today's my wedding so I will be lenient and let you go."

"Haha... you really like to joke around. I know today's your wedding and that's why I came here." I smiled, an imperceptible Qi shot off me and the next instant Lin Xiao paled and kneeled down.

Ku La was perplexed by this sudden change. Grabbing Lin Xiao shoulders, she asked worriedly, "Lin Xiao, what's going on? Are you alright?"

"I-I can't... argh!"

I raised the pressure slightly. How could a non-cultivator even dare to resist a cultivator. It was simply impossible. His body slumped down completely, rooting to the ground face-first.

"W-what's going on?" Ku La was getting anxious rapidly. The strange events quickened her heart beat. Suddenly, she turned around and tried to run away.

But before she did, I clutched a fistful of her hair and pulled her towards the bed roughly. "W-wait! What do you want? Money? I can give you enough that you can live your life in luxury."

Not paying any heed to her words, I threw her atop the bed. "Stupid bitch! Did you not hear me what I said first. I am that guy that you fuckers swindled and today you will pay the price."

My Qi burst forth, restraining her defiant limbs and firmly pinning her to bed. Her breathing turned ragged, the breast heaved up and down in fear. "It can't be you! How can it be you?"

"Humph." Snorting, I picked up Lin Xiao by neck and made him sit on a nearby chair. "Enjoy the show."

I made him open his eyes and look at the bed where Ku La laying.

Ku La pretty face turned pale as sheet, and she screamed, "what are you going to do?"

"I am going to fuck you." I grinned viciously.

"Are you not afraid that our families will kill you for this? I will give you last chance, let us go and we will not retaliate against you." Lin Xiao squeezed out his shout, hoping someone would listen to him outside but he didn't knew that I had created a barrier inside this room, a privilege that comes with entering Qi Master Realm.

"Haha. Do you really think your family is such a big deal that everyone would cower under it? Then open your dog eyes and took a good look..." A playful chuckle escaped my lips as I inched towards Ku La. "As I fuck your wife into my plaything."

Both of them shuddered and subsequently started struggling fiercely but it was only to the point I allowed to.

With a snap, the bulbs inside the room broke, leaving only the candles burning on the bed stands.

Under Lin Xiao bloodshot eyes, I jumped on top of Ku La. Grabbing her jaw, I turned her to look at me. "Didn't know what I liked about this bitchy face at that time."

"You bastard, let me go—!" Her loud yell muffled when I pressed my lips against her. Her eyes widened instantly, reality slowly started sinked in, and she internally began to struggle but her body was restrained completely.

"Motherfucker! Let her go!" Lin Xiao already looked like he went crazy.

"Haha." Breaking the contact for a moment, I laughed gleefully. Turning her face so he could get a clear view, I again kissed her. This time, I directly dived down inside her mouth, entangling with her tongue.

Loud kissing noises resounded in the room as I sucked and bit her tongue regularly. Drops of tears began trailing down her cheeks realising she doesn't have any way to resist.

"Fucker! I will kill you! I will kill your whole family!"

Our hot kiss continued under the regular curses and threats of Lin Xiao. Suddenly I broke our contact.

"Enough with the foreplay, its time for main event."

Ku La shuddered.

A bad premonition appeared on both their minds.

"Stop! Get away from me!" Ku La shrieked when she noticed she could somehow speak again.

"Heh." Grabbing her red wedding dress, I directly tore it into two sides revealing the matching red bra and panties alongside the supple white body.


After another round of tearing while laughing gleefully, I gazed at the two mounds and cleanly shaven pussy.

"A nicely prepared shaved pussy. Pity that the pitiful bastard won't even get to touch it." I sneered at Lin Xiao whose whole body was shivering in outrage.

With a snap of finger, my clothing disappeared, and my monstrous cock came into Ku La's view. Her body shuddered involuntarily as she bit her lips hard in unease.

"Watch carefully as I turn her into a woman." Saying so, I parted Ku La's legs and rested my cock against her pussy.

Lin Xiao roared in madness, "fucker, I swear as long as you live, I won't rest easy! I will kill you!"

Contrary to him, the fierceness in Ku La eyes were steadily turning into fear, no threats were working against me after all. And as my cock parted her lips slightly, she suddenly started pleading, "please... anything but this."

I paused briefly and her eyes reignited. Sighing I began, "Ku La, I really loved you at that time you know. But at the end you betrayed and abandoned me. Tell me a reason I should stop."

Her mind raced and a cunning gleam passed through her eyes. With a pitiful voice, she cried, "I-I didn't wanted to do it. It was my family who forced me to. You don't have to do this, now I am in control of my family, I will take care you."

For a moment, I looked hooked. She turned even more confident. Turning to look at Lin Xiao, she spoke aggrievedly, "this bastard had forced me to become his girlfriend using his family's powers. I had no choice."

Lin Xiao face twisted and it was filled with malice but he didn't retorted with anything.

"Is that really what happened?" I asked, surprised by this revelation.

"You gotta believe me. So please don't do this. I will take care of you from now on." She gave a beautiful smile and touched my face.

"Ku La..." My emotional voice sounded as I leaned down near her face. In response, her hands stroked my back as if to calm me down but the next instant, my biting cold voice entered her ears, "bitch, did you really think I would fall for it? Now feel the pain you mercilessly inflicted on me."


Grabbing her neck abruptly, I rammed myself in. This sudden action left her dumbfounded for the following moments before the pain assaulted her lower body, and she yelled in grief and humiliation.