I smelled the cub and there it was, the marking of the moon and the sun. "Winter how are we able to distinguish true royalty?" "Well our ancestors were of royal wolf decent genious, oh shit did I totally forgot to mention it." I mentally punched Winter on the shoulder if she had one. "That didn't even fucken hurt, your human strength can't touch this."
"Well if you were a girl I would lay hands on you, but we are one of the same so I would be punching my damn self in the face." Winter howled with laughter mentally rolling on the floor howling , pouncing and having a wide grin on her face. I couldn't help but laugh.
The lycan female growled a bit, while I handed back her cub. "Names," Winter replied with a sence of royalty. "Odessa Van Vorenburg and my mate Hans Van Vorenburg of the lycans of the blue lake. "Cubs names."
Both Winter and I became impatient. "We never gave them names since I barely just gave birth a few days ago and was hoping if we were allowed to stay with in a pack, that the alpha would do the honors." "Winter, they should stay, they have cubs, and need protection, perhaps one day they may reciprocate."
"Bitch these are fucken lycans, they could kill us and our pack with a twist of their fingers!"
I huffed, "Winter I thought you said we are royalty and shouldn't we act like it, you can make the terms OK." Winter made a low growl. "Fine."
"Listen up Odessa and Hans these are my conditions, first you will never harm a member of this pack nor the regular wolves. Everyone works together as a team, and will help provide for one another. Next you will not disobey my orders, if they are disobeyed your cubs will never see their parents again. Now we are open to opinions, suggestions and how to make our borders and our pack stronger."
"We both agree to your terms, and hope to be of service as well as under neath your protection." I nodded and shifted. Dusk was getting impatient and so I led the pack and lycans to the foundation to our new home. I howled and everyone shifted to their human forms.
"Alright everyone, today we will be establishing several houses for us and our pack. I decided we should have our roots here and make a pack house." "Alpha Winter we can help in creating the frames of the pack house and houses," Odessa replied cooling. Winter and I nodded. Odessa flicked her fingers and tree roots started to shape the houses and frames of where windows may be.
I put my hand on Odessa's shoulder. "Don't push yourself remember you just gave birth." I started to smell Brianna, and I knew she was going to heat soon. "Gregarious take Brianna home now!" Brianna and Gregarious shifted and ran as quickly as they came. Wolf started gathering vines to tie up to root beams, Jackson , Jenna and I assisted.
Once Odessa was finished we secured the roots into place. Odessa was in Han's arms with her cubs. "Hans and Odessa shift and follow me it's time to go get some rest at home and food.Jackson and Jenna you will be bunking together now, Hans and Odessa take my room along with cubs." The nodded and we left.
Once we arrived it was already nightfall. There was no need for clothes since everything was dark and we ran fast to my apartment. I changed and lent some clothes to odessa, I went to Jacksons room and gave clean clothes to Hans since apparently they look the same size.
"I'll be back need to get something for the cubs." The cubs looked like a year old so I took my wallet and went shopping for a cradle, diapers, clothes, wipes, baby food. Once back at the apartment the cubs were dressed, fed and put to sleep. They looked like little angels.